***OKIES in the BYC III ***

been along while since i been on hope everyone is doing great.just got my last kido graduated.going to have alot of muscovys this year.an games.have to message me on facebook
Just had to share off my FB page for all you peacock loving okies

Just finished putting another new momma and calf in the barn. She had this one in a soggy spot below the pond. Wish we could read a cow's mind about choosing her spot to calf. As humans we think "Oh, that nice pile of hay would be a good spot." But not the cow....go figure.
That makes two new ones today.
My rooster is starting to attack my husband. It does not attack me, only him. Is it time to get rid off the alpha male?
My rooster is starting to attack my husband. It does not attack me, only him. Is it time to get rid off the alpha male?

Yep that pesky hubby's got to go !!!

Seriously though chances are in the near future it will be your turn to get flogged, be it bantam or large fowl they all can do damage if they have spurs of even just a little length
i found out when i first got chickens- you don't want to tolerate a mean one- would you tolerate aggressiveness in any other pet? its a hard call, you can try to rehab him, but do you want those traits passed on, its basically a test of who is dominant- i decided i won't tolerate a mean roo. As hard as that is- what breed etc?
My husband is Scottish and Polish, my rooster is a Buff Orpington. ;)
Seriously, i am thinking i have to let him go, the rooster of course, but it was a nice rooster. My husband thinks it is since they chickens stop being free range 100 o/o of the time, but i think it is since two hens went broody he has too much testoterone left.
He is not aggresive with the baby chicks, so i am really surprised.
I am going to need to find a method to kill the chickens by myself because my husband does not want part of it. He thinks putting the add in craiglist, and i dont agree on raising a hormone free chicken for others too eat.

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