***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Elwood, what color is the peahen? Frogwoodforest on this thread was looking for a peahen.
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I had left for the sale already, she was really different looking white with some black spots/speckles? her and the male I had were the only two I had seen marked like that I hated to part with her I was sure hoping to try and get that color pattern out of the offspring, I will have some again just not sure when they were a lot of fun to have around.

Jim it was nice to meet you at the sale, Saw Maryjo and Joe also, I thought Michael was coming but he didn't make it, wasn't a lot of people there really but prices were still good, there was a different auctoineer calling he didn't tell what everything was, it was either a chicken a rabbit or some new thing still in the crate, he could hear what Scoots was saying and I guess he assumed that we could all hear so unless you knew already it was a mystery a good bit of the time, that and he spoke so fast he was hard to understand, I'm sure he's a good auctioneer but it was way too hot and all the fans making noise didn't help with hearing (or the heat for that matter LOL)
^^^this is just down the highway from me. Ive seen that ad in craigslist too. Guess I should have gone today to scope it out.
i'm curious about it but it is a bit to far to go with not much info. wish it was on Sat insted of Sun. though.
i'm curious about it but it is a bit to far to go with not much info.  wish it was on Sat insted of Sun. though.

Given that its Drumright I wouldn't expect much. I'll try to remember to go on the 3rd Sunday and report back.

On my way to Peggs yesterday morning to pick up ducks I passed a consignment sale off 412 that had hundreds of cars/trucks parked in a field. The only thing I caught on the sign was "consignment sale", wonder if that was Chupps Auction. Seeing all those cars/trucks peaked my curiosity to see what was going on.
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Kass: Congrats on hatching a scaleless pullet. Put me on the list for naked chickens when you start to have extras : )

The body of the coop is redwood. I'm going to leave it as it is. When the broodies hatch their babies, I'll pull up the ramp and keep them up top until the babies are big enough to fly a bit. They will have no trouble on the ramp after they have wings that work.
Your at the very top Coral. I am hatching out some more eggs now, hopefully there will be one or two in this batch too.

In the fall (thinking around Oct) I plan on separating out my most naked NN females and Jaxom into the area I have for broody moms and chicks now, I plan on collecting and setting those eggs, that should give me my best chance of hatching some carriers, and if that female carrier (Godiva) is laying which she should be maybe a chance of a naked one.
Your at the very top Coral. I am hatching out some more eggs now, hopefully there will be one or two in this batch too.

In the fall (thinking around Oct) I plan on separating out my most naked NN females and Jaxom into the area I have for broody moms and chicks now, I plan on collecting and setting those eggs, that should give me my best chance of hatching some carriers, and if that female carrier (Godiva) is laying which she should be maybe a chance of a naked one.
No feathers means no dander, right? With your crochet skills and my design ideas, we ought to be able to come up with a chicken sweater for the truly naked ones.
No feathers means no dander, right? With your crochet skills and my design ideas, we ought to be able to come up with a chicken sweater for the truly naked ones.
Yes no feathers means no dander and you husbands allergies should be pretty much a non issue. I figure in the summer there will be no problem at all, people run around naked all summer except for a couple of swatches of fabric tied w/ string and they survive fine until melanoma catches up w/ them, I plan on eating them long before that happens (the naked chickens not the naked people) lol I think winter they will probably need a sweater, and will recovering from the capon procedure they will need a body covering. I asked Joe on FB if they can mate w/o interventions, but haven't heard back yet.
And even better is my time scale for hopefully getting the naked ones starting to hatch and grown should work w/ your time schedule of after next summer's big hike.
And even better is my time scale for hopefully getting the naked ones starting to hatch and grown should work w/ your time schedule of after next summer's big hike.
Awesome. Another woman who understands long-term planning : ) After my walk through Spain I'll be hankering for some featherless birds.

I was talking with a friend after church today. She wants to walk the Camino too, but her youngest is two years old. She said she'd have to wait about ten years, and then she could go. I told her that if I'm able, I'll make the journey with her.

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