***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Did someone say "Lavender Ameraucanas"? No, no, no...... must resist.
I will be going to Newcastle this coming Saturday. Looking forward to seeing any of you fellow chicken fans.
Jack, my neighbor and "Chicken Mentor" has some young Wheaten Marans available if anyone is interested. - Pretty birds.
I am starting a pen of Blue Marans and I think I am going to like them a lot. They are friendlier than Ameraucanas. My Cochins are still my one true love though.
My Blue Marans rooster, Beaudreau - He is standing alert in this pic but is usually so mellow and relaxed. He and Dagwood, my Wheaten Ameraucana Roo in the next pen, like to fuss at each other but Beau is just a sweetheart to everyone else. Moonpie, the bantam Buff Cochin roo on the other side still thinks he is boss even though Beau and Dag are both much bigger.

Yes , yes , yes !! Lavender Americanas , gorgeous young roos from two different breeders will be at the auction . I really like your Marans rooster , I have several different kinds of Marans but the blue is my favorite .
Yes, Robin, I'd say get him out of there. A fairly easy way to catch snakes alive is with a package of that black plastic netting you drape over fruit trees to save the fruit from birds. Take it out of the package, string it out, crumple it somewhat, leaving several layers together, and string it along the outer edge of your pens. Snakes will often try to crawl through it, but they get stuck and can't get out. You can then do whatever you need to do with the snake. Do remember, if you are one who relocates (I used to), that snakes can find their way back from a fairly long distance, and a relocated snake becomes someone else's problem. I've also read (probably here) that you can put some kind of bait inside a minnow trap and the snake will crawl in after it and be unable to get out.

will be getting the netting- just too much of a risk, already lost some eggs a month ago that a broody was on-
yep- still have jet and ebony- ebony is a born broody, so gave her a couple faverolle eggs and Jet is a born daddy

Bill-Hi! How have you been? I've still got the Orp girls and they're very very nice hens! I lost one (the day after worming so it made me wonder if it was related to the worming). 2 of them turned out to be boys but I found homes for them where they actually wanted them for pets and not dinner. They also took 2 really mean roos I had-THOSE were going to be dinner. 1 of them laid my head open so I didn't feel much regret that he was going for food :-/
Hiya Mitzi
Good to see you back on posting again, I was wondering how they turned out I'm glad they're working out okay I'm currently almost chickenless I had a couple of dogs that helped me reduce my flock and I sold most of the rest, I have 4 chicks just now and 50 on the way coming this next Monday so hopefully by spring I'll be back in eggs again, you should have told me about the ones that turned out to be roos I would have traded them out for you
Robin, Jet is adorable with that chick :-D I'm glad you still have them. If you ever need to place them-call me 1st.
Bill, I was too scared you'd eat the boys lol They were super friendly and the people who took them wanted them for their flock and not food.

Alright, today's dilemma...I ordered a 1/2 order of Silkies from Ideal. They're so darling, all are actually bearded this time, have black skin and all have 5 toes. However it seems I neglected to mention to them NOT to send males for warmth :-/ I mean, sheesh! It's in the 90's and they're in Texas! They sent me *10* male chicks twice the size of the Silkies. They're bulky and big and buff/rust colored.
Can/will ANYone take these boys???? Please?? lol
I can get an actual picture if you want but they look identical to these chicks I found on Google. So I think they're Rhode Island Reds.
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That is a Tiger salamander we have quite a few different types of salamanders in Oklahoma the Tiger starts off small and aquatic like most of them do the drought has had to have been hard on them over the last few years, when I was a kid you could find them all over and most bait shops sold them, I'm not sure if they are considered endangered or protected but I heard they are recovering a bit like the Horned lizard (horned toad) between fishing with them or making pets out of them they were almost wiped out here in Oklahoma
Thanks I cant remember ever seeing one but I have two in my cabinet shop now if the chickens don't find them. I thought they like wet areas.
I lost two bufforpington''s this morning I let everyone out went back in for breakfast the wife stepped out the back door and herd the commotion asked me what was that so I stepped outside I knew immediately something was wrong so I went to the frontyard two buff girls were screaming bloody murder I found my best buff roo dead from a single bite his favorite girl gone feathers every where so long feather gave his life trying to protect his girls. I never seen what did it cameras are coming then war kill in my front yard 20 feet from the front door not good . I have got to put some fear in some wild life around here the dogs are not enough! I lost 14 buff girls and 6 ee's all girls taken it leaves the roo's alone leaves them dead does not eat the roo's I think it's a bobcat I cant catch him in the live trap so I will shoot him .
Hi Everyone, I would like some ideas and asking for input. We are planning another Chicken Swap in Tahlequah. The Labor Day Chicken Swap was a success and I thought we had a great turn out for the first swap. I was Thinking maybe mid October and or The weekend after Thanksgiving in November; do you think that the weather will be to cold for a Swap then?
Any day is fine with me is Sunday good as some work on Saturday. Is Saturday Better? We want to make it a memorable and lasting experience for all who attend we have games for the kids of all ages and maybe tug of war will possibly BBQ Hamburgers and Hotdogs.

Todd Rogers
I haven't discussed with Poco Pollo about another Date for a swap; I am building a Mobile Chicken Coop for her. We are wanting to unveil and debut it at the next Gathering
It will be Designed and Built on a boat trailer. Thanks Todd
Hello from Tuttle, Oklahoma. I'm new to raising chickens. We purchased our pullets this spring from a local auction. It is very evident now that I had no idea what I was doing. Because 8 of my 9 "pullets" turned out to be roosters! I tried to give them away, but no takers. We ended up slaughtering the bigger ones, the delawares and orpington, because they were fighting terribly and tearing up the little bantam silkie we wanted to keep. Out of the silkies we kept hoping they would all turn out to hens, only one is. I now have 3 bantam silkie Roos and 1 silkie hen. Blah! I am really terrible at this it seems. I want to add some small to medium size hens to my little flock. I was thinking Barred Rock and Easter Eggers. From what ive read they are good egg layers and are cold hearty. Does anyone suggest a hatchery? I'm sacred to go back to an auction! No more Roos please!

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