***OKIES in the BYC III ***

All of my chickens are dead because someone left Merlotte outside all night. We suspect my grandma, (who has Alzeihmer's) but I know it wasn't me. Anyone need grit, organic conditioner, organic soy-free feed, organic soy-free scratch, mealworms, sand, pine shavings, a feeder, fount, etc.?

So sorry to hear this news. I hope you will be able to have a new flock some day

Classes have me running in two directions at the same time. Sixth graders made pinch pots (we burnished the greenware so we wouldn't need clear gloss), and the older students made tile mosaics last week:

Picked up a batch of cockerels from Rinda to caponize. Thanks Rinda : ) I made them into capons yesterday. No losses, and everybody is eating and drinking normally today. Some of these are large enough to sell over the Thanksgiving break. Others will go to market over the Christmas Break. The smallest will be ready by Spring Break.
Ksane You did buy a lot of nice birds , I was sitting on the last row of chairs across from you , * pink blouse* husband was in a lawn chair that he brought in * his knees were replaced lately * I didn't know that was you * bleachers right ? * or I would have said hi . I looked around at the long table in the back and didn't see anyone I could put a name to . We sold all our bunch and didn't stay too much longer because of his knees . They did go cheap but I needed the room and didn't want to deal with roosters . It was a pleasant evening with the cool breeze flowing thru the building , didn't have to worry about the roosters getting too hot .
Loved the silver phoenix and faverollas .
I was there, i didn't see you though. I *think I saw BirdWire and she's the person I sat next to at the Blanchard auction last week and didn't even know it (if it was her). I saw that Cochin boy, didn't Rebecca buy it? There were a ton of birds-wow.
I got a beautiful 1/2 grown Faverolles boy for only $3.50, 3 wonderful sweet 5 mo or so old Delawares for ony $6 each. But we did pay $46 for 2 Silver phoenix hens, beautiful girls. I've wanted Silver Phoenix girls sice i lost mine last year, these are very nice looking.
Robin, i got a 10 ounce (weighed him) Black Silkied Serama that looks just like your Jet :) I couldn't resist, he reminded me so much of yours, he's even tinier than Channing.
My husband got a black and silver rooster for $1, he felt sorry for him cuz no one wanted him. He's got a muff and feathered legs and he's actually a really nice boy. I think he did pretty good for a dollar.
Looks like we should have stayed longer. About what time did the prices start to go down? Did the hens finally start going cheaper?
What should be done to a favorite hen that jumped out of egg box landed on one leg now she can't use it at all . I isolated her can't fill a break.
I was there and it didn't even occur to me to look for you. I was so tired! I went to the consession to get a pop and remember that I didn't have anu cash in my wallet. So I sat down and then remembered I had $80 cash in my pocket from the incubator I sold. Then I said "Time to go home".
So sorry I didn't get to say hello.
There were a lot of nice birds that went for a song.
I started to go say hi but didn't know if you'd remember me. I also wanted to ask if any of the Bantam Cochins were yours. There was a lavender and a black together that were adorable. They were so young though and I've got enough tinies to last me awhile this winter.
This teeney black Silkied Serama is a hoot, he makes my other Serama boy look like a real He-Man, this one's incredibly tiny. What's so amazing about Seramas is that it doesn't matter if they were handled or not as "chicklins", you can hold them for the ride home and they're your best little buddy for life. I named him Buford, he needed a big name to offset that strange squeak that he calls a crow :) Poor thing didn't crawl out from under his blanket until 9:30 this morning-he was worn out! That must be so hard on the birds to have to sit so long in cages then go to a strange place in the dark.
Classes have me running in two directions at the same time. Sixth graders made pinch pots (we burnished the greenware so we wouldn't need clear gloss), and the older students made tile mosaics last week:

Picked up a batch of cockerels from Rinda to caponize. Thanks Rinda : ) I made them into capons yesterday. No losses, and everybody is eating and drinking normally today. Some of these are large enough to sell over the Thanksgiving break. Others will go to market over the Christmas Break. The smallest will be ready by Spring Break.
I don't know what a pinch pot is but I LOVE these little pots-they're beautiful.
The hatchery sent me *10 Rhode island Red boys to keep my little batch of Silkies warm this week. I'd love to pay you to caponize them if i could talk you into it.
Also-did you see my post where the Brabanter boy died? I have no idea why, he'd been healthy and strong since I got him from you. A month or so ago I found him laying in the coop like he just forgot to wake up :-(
Ksane You did buy a lot of nice birds , I was sitting on the last row of chairs across from you , * pink blouse* husband was in a lawn chair that he brought in * his knees were replaced lately * I didn't know that was you * bleachers right ? * or I would have said hi . I looked around at the long table in the back and didn't see anyone I could put a name to . We sold all our bunch and didn't stay too much longer because of his knees . They did go cheap but I needed the room and didn't want to deal with roosters . It was a pleasant evening with the cool breeze flowing thru the building , didn't have to worry about the roosters getting too hot .
Loved the silver phoenix and faverollas .
You're not the lady I thought then, she had a turquoise shirt and was sitting at the tables at the back. Next time I'd love to say hi to you if you see me :) It *was really nice, real pleasant compared to other times i've been there in 100 degree heat.

Looks like we should have stayed longer. About what time did the prices start to go down? Did the hens finally start going cheaper?
Most the hens were still going for higher at the end. I have no idea why these Delawares went for so cheap, they're just now at the age where they honk like ducks when they 1st start laying :) And they're so CLEAN! Not a speck of dirt on them anywhere, someone took good care of every one of the birds I got last night. I wish there was a way to thank them. We won the bid at like $3 or something on the Delawares but the owner wanted $6 each and I took all 3 because I didn't have the heart to break them up. After we got home and I got them wormed and settled and found out how gentle, calm and sweet they were I told my husband I'd have paid a whole lot more for them if i'd known what awesome birds they were. I honestly feel bad that they only got $6 a piece for birds this wonderful, they're worth far more.

What should be done to a favorite hen that jumped out of egg box landed on one leg now she can't use it at all . I isolated her can't fill a break.
I would keep her in a crate for a week or so and let her rest. She probably sprained it real bad.
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You're not the lady I thought then, she had a turquoise shirt and was sitting at the tables at the back. Next time I'd love to say hi to you if you see me :) It *was really nice, real pleasant compared to other times i've been there in 100 degree heat.

Most the hens were still going for higher at the end. I have no idea why these Delawares went for so cheap, they're just now at the age where they honk like ducks when they 1st start laying :) And they're so CLEAN! Not a speck of dirt on them anywhere, someone took good care of every one of the birds I got last night. I wish there was a way to thank them. We won the bid at like $3 or something on the Delawares but the owner wanted $6 each and I took all 3 because I didn't have the heart to break them up. After we got home and I got them wormed and settled and found out how gentle, calm and sweet they were I told my husband I'd have paid a whole lot more for them if i'd known what awesome birds they were. I honestly feel bad that they only got $6 a piece for birds this wonderful, they're worth far more.

I would keep her in a crate for a week or so and let her rest. She probably sprained it real bad.
Thank you that is what i'am doing after the week if not better do I take x-ray or is that crazy .
Poco, some very talented 6th graders.

Great news on the caponizing, did you use the vit K powder? If so did you notice any bleeding difference?

I'm just a week or two out from doing my next batch, the broody moms aren't going to be to happy about it, but they already hate us anyway!!!! lol

The Xray question .......................... that depends on how much the hen is worth to you, and if you plan on doing something about the results. I think my vet charges about $50 plus the office visit so it would be near $80-100 just for that, birds in general are notoriously hard to heal bone b/c of their bone structure for flying they just don't heal bone well. Before I spent the money for the x ray I would find out if it is broken if there is anything that can be done. It would also (for me) need to be a very special bird.
I started to go say hi but didn't know if you'd remember me. I also wanted to ask if any of the Bantam Cochins were yours. There was a lavender and a black together that were adorable. They were so young though and I've got enough tinies to last me awhile this winter.
This teeney black Silkied Serama is a hoot, he makes my other Serama boy look like a real He-Man, this one's incredibly tiny. What's so amazing about Seramas is that it doesn't matter if they were handled or not as "chicklins", you can hold them for the ride home and they're your best little buddy for life. I named him Buford, he needed a big name to offset that strange squeak that he calls a crow :) Poor thing didn't crawl out from under his blanket until 9:30 this morning-he was worn out! That must be so hard on the birds to have to sit so long in cages then go to a strange place in the dark.
I don't know what a pinch pot is but I LOVE these little pots-they're beautiful.
The hatchery sent me *10 Rhode island Red boys to keep my little batch of Silkies warm this week. I'd love to pay you to caponize them if i could talk you into it.
Also-did you see my post where the Brabanter boy died? I have no idea why, he'd been healthy and strong since I got him from you. A month or so ago I found him laying in the coop like he just forgot to wake up :-(

I did see the earlier post about the Brabanter. I'm so sorry to hear that he passed away. I had a mystery death here, and upon close examination, I found that he had attempted to eat a stick. It was lodged in his throat, which blocked his air supply. Sometimes we just can't know.

Pinch pots are made by forming a ball of clay, and then the artist sticks his or her thumb into the middle and pinches and turns, pinches and turns, until the pot is formed. Burnishing is polishing the greenware, the clay that is dry but not fired. It make the finish shiny : )

I would be happy to caponize your boys. Let me know when they are four weeks old, and we'll set a date for me to pick them up.

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