***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Thank you. The chickens aren't mine. They live at the sanctuary I volunteer at but they are my special babies. I can't resist their little faces. I did name them though. Most have Harry Potter related names.
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Originally Posted by cac6012

tony o
what kind of a greenhouse you have and what do you raise in it? My wife and I are building one now just trying to figure out what grows best in oklahoma


First a hint. Build it twice the size that you think you need.
I built a 24 X 48 foot lean to many years ago. I was going to partition it off so I wouldn't have to heat the whole thing. Next thing I knew it was filled up.

There are some Bananas, several type Citrus trees, Palms, and other tropical type stuff. I'll start veggies and bedding plants soon, as well as cuttings.

Don't tell anyone,
but I grow started baby chicks in there too,
To cold for them to be outside. (To cold for me too.)
It says there is nothing there. :(
Works for me- it says:
"Silkie Roosters - $5 (edmond/Guthrie)

"We have two white Silkie Roosters who need a new home. They would be great in a bachelor pen, or with a larger flock. Non bearded boy is 8 months old, high quality bearded is about a year. These guys are very friendly, eat a high quality varied diet, and are fun to have around. We just need to improve our flock ratio. Call or text 9one8. 52zero.0112

"I would also love to trade for bantam hens!"

First a hint. Build it twice the size that you think you need.

Isn't that always the truth????
Originally Posted by Ksane

Hens look all rounded and poofy but roosters tails are long and spikey and they stand up super tall and straight. I do think your Buff is a girl and can't wait to find out.

But I still bet he's a rooster.
We'll see.
I have my two Cochins I just got that will ruffle their neck feathers at each other and stretch really high. I have never seen females do this but I do think I have seen my daughter's silkie do it to the silkie cockerel. I hope the neck feather thing like roosters is normal for even pullets.
That or I have really crazy chickens.

Oh. My. Gosh. The CUTENESS!!! Oh how sweet! Did you get those from Greenfire?

My favorite place is breeders. I have heard that some hatcheries don't care about the quality of the breed standards. I guess I am a little particular with my breeds as I want them to be the real McCoy (even though they are just pets. Guess I can say I "collect" chickens?). I get most of mine from breeders and have gotten eggs off ebay but if you watch you might catch some interesting breeds on craigslist. Tomorrow I go to pick up eggs for Light Sussex in Arkansas from a Heritage breeder then swing it 30 min away from that place to a breeder for Sweedish Flower Hens eggs since it's nearby (found her off ebay of all places!), then I have some Cream Legbar eggs in the incubator along with a "surprise" variety of "could be" Naked necks, Silkies and maybe a Cochin bantam. My husband NEVER wanted me to hatch or get babies and stick to laying hens but if you want certain breeds then you will pay handsomely for those as adults (if you can find them!). I did get standard Cochins from an auction. Will probably be the very last time I go to an auction as I am almost done adding to my flock after eggs hatch. We will see. I would love to get them already hatched but that's just taking the fun out of it! It's also less expensive if you hatch your own if you are wanting more rare breeds though.

Another day with my poor little cocci sick babies. The combs are still pale but the boys' are getting more color. No more red bloody poopies but still some tar bloody nastyness. I still have to feed and water the girls by hand. The boys are now scratching and cherping away. It's still touch and go with one female in particular. Her crop is taking much longer to empty than the others. Is that a something I should worry about? I give her just a little water but not so much that she can't handle it. She still is ruffled up, pale, and tail down. I really hope she makes it and then after the storm blows over stay healthy... poor thing. I cuddled and loved on her for awhile and she just snuggled in my arms. I never knew I would be head over heals for chickens. These little things are so precious!!! Please tell me that there are chickens this bad that have a happy story without dying from this junk!!!

There are lots of happy endings with chicks that sick. I'm exhausted right now but will post a link tom with happy endings and some of the things they did for their chicks
Kass, again you amaze us with your creative talent. Wow!

Ksane...love Lilith. He is a hunk. Loved your protector story too. Gotta love a good protector.

Rinda...nice Spitzhaubens.

True5, enjoyed our visit today. It was nice meeting both you and Glen and talking chicken.

Mattok1, fingers crossed on the house.

I really enjoyed our visit too. Hotcurl, but that's ok. True 5 is probably saying huh? I forgot to ask to see Norman. The chicks are settled in nicely. Decided to raise them in the brooder instead of under one of the hens. They are sure an active bunch. They slept all the way home, now they want to play and I want to go to bed. I'm keeping them in the spare bedroom with a heat lamp. and stuffed animal. I never have any guests, except the kids so they can sleep with the chickensLOL Get it. Actually, I raise all my chicks without mamas in the brooder in there. They are so adorable. I can't stop admiring them. One just peeps and peeps,but doesn't asseem to be ill. Thanks for all the info . You have beautiful birds Glenn was impressed by them,
I wish they were chickens instead of ducks. :D
I might have some hatching chicks you can have. I'll have to wait and see. and of course talk it over with hubby. But he;s as mushy as I am, sort of. We just pretty much discuss everything. It makes for a good marriage. LOL
I am not sure. Someone thought she was a sex link. I am new to chickens and don't know anything about their background.

Red Star/Sex Link/Cinnamon Queen/Golden Comet-they're all names for the chicken you posted the picture of :)

But I still bet he's a rooster.
We'll see.
ROFL! Easiest way to tell is to put a young hen in the same area as him. If he starts a wing dance it's a boy.
Kass, again you amaze us with your creative talent. Wow!

Ksane...love Lilith. He is a hunk. Loved your protector story too. Gotta love a good protector.

Rinda...nice Spitzhaubens.

Hotcurltr, enjoyed our visit today. It was nice meeting both you and Glenn and talking chicken.

Mattok1, fingers crossed on the house.

I really enjoyed our visit too.  Hotcurl, but that's ok.  I forgot to ask to see Norman.  The chicks are settled in nicely.  Decided to raise them in the brooder instead of under one of the hens.  They are sure an active bunch.  They slept all the way home, now they want to play and I want to go to bed.  I'm keeping them in the spare bedroom with a heat lamp. and stuffed animal. I never have any guests, except the kids so they can sleep with the chickensLOL Get it. Actually, I raise all my chicks without mamas in the brooder in there.  They are so adorable.  I can't stop admiring them.  One just peeps and peeps,but doesn't asseem to be ill.  Thanks for all the info .  You have beautiful birds  Glenn was impressed by them,
I wish they were chickens instead of ducks. :D

I might have some hatching chicks you can have.  I'll have to wait and see.  and of course talk it over with hubby.  But he;s as mushy as I am, sort of.  We just pretty much discuss everything.  It makes for a good marriage.  LOL

My oops Diana. I edited to fix the names. Yes, you would have enjoyed seeing Norman. He eats small cubes from your hand.

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