***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Tara, he looks identical to the Cuckoo Marans chick boys I had. Mine were feather-legged also. The feathered legs pop up in supposed non-feather legged chicks. I think that's what you've got.

My beloved Serama, Channing, with his new little Henlet in the window seat. This is where Channing hangs out every day "sunbeaming". The head of our bed is at the window. As soon as I take him out of his cage he runs as faaaast as he can, hops on the bed then hops into his window seat. You haven't seen hysterical until you've seen 2" legs running as fast as they'll go lol
KSane, do you use chicken diapers on Channing? Or is there a better method of handling that issue when you have a chicken inside?
I considered this but Meyer doesn't have them.
Yes they do but Meyer marans are clean legged. At first I thought he was my MMM but his feather feet are throwing me off, he doesn't really look like the PCochin either though!!!

There is a Meyer hatchery thread for showing pics of your Meyer's birds, you might ask on there if anyone else has got a cukoo maran w/ feathered legs from them. I would post the link but my computer won't let me copy and paste for some reason.
Love all the pictures! Rinda, the one of the little boy chick checking out his "man parts" was hilarious lol Typical male!

I picked up a bunch of Serama pairs for @artsyrobin and I today from June. I love her birds!!! I got a special needs pair each of us plus a few other pairs who are just perfect, they're the sweetest little birds. I also got the cutest little 10 oz "Henlet" for my Serama boy, Channing. He just loves her, it's adorable. He hasn't tried to breed her, just wants to feed her. He'll forage around on the carpet with her for a while here in the bedroom, then he hops up on my lap to tell me he still loves his Big Hen :)
Here's her and one of the 2 of them.

I considered this but Meyer doesn't have them.
Yes they do but Meyer marans are clean legged. At first I thought he was my MMM but his feather feet are throwing me off, he doesn't really look like the PCochin either though!!!

His dot is big and he is fairly light in color so he probably is a boy. Neigjhbor Jack has Cockoo Marans and I have helped with many, many of them in the brooder. His Cockoos are probably my favorite Marans, (except for my Blue Marans
KSane, do you use chicken diapers on Channing? Or is there a better method of handling that issue when you have a chicken inside?
Channing says REAL roosters don't wear diapers

I've got a king sized sheet I throw over the bed when he's loose up there. He's the size of a Pigeon so the little turds are small. His window seat has a rug in it that I just use a hand held vacuum on it and toss it in the washer every so often. If he's on the floor I just vacuum or pick up after him. It's seriously no problem at all to me. He's way less messy than a parrot. Smaller, too.

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