***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Was wondering if anyone out there is doing a dry hatch and if so what tgeir humidity stayed at

I've never checked the humidity inside the incubator but I try to keep the room at about 40-45%. At lockdown I will add water to the long tray in a tabletop Styrofoam and then plug the vent holes on top. With the Sportsman I run water in it constantly because the fan is constantly on. Been doing dry hatches in the tabletops for probably 15 or so years and have had great luck with it. The main secret is to candle the eggs before setting them and to discard ones with a porous shell, Cracked shells can be fixed with a wax pencil or crayon if you don't have many eggs from those birds to set.

Another thing that I do is to store eggs in the fridge until I get ready to put them in. I just warm them to room temp before putting them in the heated incubator and I won't check temps on the bator till the next day and then make my final adjustments if needed. As long as the eggs don't freeze they will be fine in the fridge, ours is set to about 43F.

Whenever you candle eggs move them around in a tabletop, if you don't the ones under the heating element will hatch first, I usually candle every other day, this helps to mimic the "cool down" period when the hen is off the nest to eat. .
Diana; Don't worry much about the temps not reading the same. Incubators will have cool spots and hot spots in them. One thing is to make sure all of the thermometers read the same before putting them in. those in the center of the 'bator should read warmer. Plus after you get it full of eggs the temp will even out somewhat. It's easier to keep objects warm then it is air.

We're on our way back now. After the Brahma boys ate all the Fav's food they all fell into a pile asleep lol
David, it was nice to see you there also! I'm going to put 2 Serama boys cages next to each other and see if I can maybe get them to be buddies also. It's worth a shot.
It was nice to see you and your husband last night, Wish we would have had more time to talk. Like I was telling you, the two Serama boys have been in cages side by side ever since I got them from you. Few days ago I thought i would try to put them together to see what they would do (and i was right there the whole time in case they disagreed with each other). The are best buds now and there has never been one sign of aggresion towards each other (which now free's up another cage for some of my baby Seramas) I ended up buying a SLW Rooster, he is awesome looking. I have two SLW hens I am going to put hiim with once he is out of isolation....
For those of you who are starting to breed showgirls from scratch with a cross between a turken (NN) and a silkie: Be aware that most showgirls you see are many generations down, and don't be discouraged if yours are not as attractive. Mine had been perfected for 10-12 generations before I even got them. I thought about developing my own, but decided to start with better ones to begin with. Good luck with this most interesting project!
Sorry, I'm going to hog this twice. Hello all you newbies. My name is Diana and I am a chicken junkie.
I will tell the story of how it progressed one day. The excitement of all the members and the pictures on here, was the contributing factor. I am now finished aquiring more chickens, except what I have already planned on. NN from Kass some silkies, for showgirls. I love them all they are special and unique individuals. I have some favorites. which I shouldn't. My C/W crosses have stolen my heart. I have asked hubby to contact a couple of people on this thread if something happens to me so my babies will go to good homes. Hmmmm, maybe I should contact those people, so they won't be surprised.
I know you were interested in a NN dark skinned male, did you have any other preference, as far as feather color or top knot?
I have 15 (I think) silkie/sizzle chicks for sale for $5 a piece. 4 black, the rest are white. Right now it looks like most have regular feathering but still a bit early to tell. In Broken Arrow.
I had a FABULOUS night at the Coweta auction wiith some of the coolest people EVER!! Spending time with Rebecca and MJ was really great. I could sit and talk with these two ladies for hours and hours and never get bored. Having Coral and Dusti there was icing on the cake, because they're two of the best people I know. Sitting around talking chickens with such amazing people, does it get any better than that?

Oh wait, it does! My mom wanted guineas and I scored a dozen mixed chocolate, buff, lavender and purple eggs! I wanted Dorkings and Gene was there with a dozen eggs that had my name on them! Rebecca also picked up a quad of lavender orp pullets that she, MJ and I split.

In other news, I bought a dozen exhibition quality white runner duck eggs as a prezzie for Dusti. Since she can only use a few, we might have some available to good homes soon.
I had a FABULOUS night at the Coweta auction wiith some of the coolest people EVER!! Spending time with Rebecca and MJ was really great. I could sit and talk with these two ladies for hours and hours and never get bored. Having Coral and Dusti there was icing on the cake, because they're two of the best people I know. Sitting around talking chickens with such amazing people, does it get any better than that?

Oh wait, it does! My mom wanted guineas and I scored a dozen mixed chocolate, buff, lavender and purple eggs! I wanted Dorkings and Gene was there with a dozen eggs that had my name on them! Rebecca also picked up a quad of lavender orp pullets that she, MJ and I split.

In other news, I bought a dozen exhibition quality white runner duck eggs as a prezzie for Dusti. Since she can only use a few, we might have some available to good homes soon.

I didn't know you got guinea eggs too.

I had a good time too. Can't complain about free ice cream.
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