***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Does anybody know if there is any size difference between the English Orpington and other LF chicks at hatch?
I had a d'uccle chick born and 5 more pip today. I am going to need Easter candy names too
Awww, how cute! I had three easter eggers....oh! How appropriate! :lol:
Kim, I can't remember how many of the Blue and Marans eggs you set-what hatched?! Any luck with the Malay eggs? The Splash pullet I've got out of those same blue eggs you have is the one who lays the freaking humongous eggs. 2 out of 3 of them are double yolkers, so cool! That's pretty awesome to hatch out Easter Eggers on Easter lol
Here is a Rudy fix for today. lol lol lol This is his 2 week pic, in action even. As you can see he doesn't miss an opportunity to eat! lol
:lau OMG he's adorable!!! Definitely a boy, too. lmao I can't wait to see how he grows. I bet Banjo Joe would just love him!
Kim, I can't remember how many of the Blue and Marans eggs you set-what hatched?! Any luck with the Malay eggs? The Splash pullet I've got out of those same blue eggs you have is the one who lays the freaking humongous eggs. 2 out of 3 of them are double yolkers, so cool! That's pretty awesome to hatch out Easter Eggers on Easter lol
OMG he's adorable!!! Definitely a boy, too.
lmao I can't wait to see how he grows. I bet Banjo Joe would just love him!
Thanks, I've been convinced from hatch he is a boy. I call him he all the time, but Gary doesn't trust my gender guessing! lol

My new chicks arrived today and are doing excellent!!!

Partridge Rocks, SOOOOOO pretty - 3 females and 1 roo

Buff Rocks - 10 females and a roo

Light Brahmas - 9 females

and 2 Exotic ones that I'm not sure which are which!

I have two extra 'brown' ones, but they look SO similar to the Partridge Rocks not sure which is a PR and which isn't!

This was my first experience with mail order chicks and from the moment I knew they were airborne I was a nervous wreck!

My new chicks arrived today and are doing excellent!!!

Partridge Rocks, SOOOOOO pretty - 3 females and 1 roo

Buff Rocks - 10 females and a roo

Light Brahmas - 9 females

and 2 Exotic ones that I'm not sure which are which!

I have two extra 'brown' ones, but they look SO similar to the Partridge Rocks not sure which is a PR and which isn't!

This was my first experience with mail order chicks and from the moment I knew they were airborne I was a nervous wreck!
The look great
Goodness! What a downpour! With all this rain I stayed on the back porch and drank my tea while some of my girls braved the rain. One is soaked and the others took refuge under drier places. My Marans pullets decided to stay on the back porch and act like they are "stuck" and like my kids, bored. So I decided after sitting out there long enough that I come inside and shove the cat off the couch and take his warm spot. Im trying to encourage him to lay on my feet but he wont budge.

Sounds like so many babies being born! I love the pictures! Keep them coming! Were currently looking for a Holstein milk cow and some calves we can raise for beef. If any of you know of any that are decent priced keep me in mind and let me know!

I have a new problem arising with my girls. My newly laying orpington decided she wants to eat eggs. So I tried a hollowed egg with mustard in it. THEY STILL ATE IT!
(My EE decided she wanted to dig in and run with it since it had a hole in it. :/) Dang it. So any ideas are appreciated. I thought of throwing some easter eggs in there but will they work since they are plastic?
I was given some eggs so now I am incubating a third hatch date. Six are under my broody bantam Cochin and the rest are in the incubator. I have one person in mind if she wants a Dorking. They will be ready as soon as I can sex them.

Coweta auction sounded like fun! Is anyone going to the one at Lee's Feed? We will try to make it to that one!

I'm SO happy to have the rain - it's way too dry where I am. We are south and west of Cushing.

When it comes to cattle do you prefer buying from an individual or do you mind sales? Perkins Livestock Auction sells cattle/calves every Wednesday.
I usually sell my calves there in the fall. I've also bought a Holstein bottle steer there before. Prices are up by about 25% right now.
My mom ran three 550# steer through last week and they brought $3800!!! That's $1200 over what I got for my three in November! Unbelievable!!!
Wish I had some fall calves left, but mine are just being born and won't be ready til late September.

Here is a Rudy fix for today. lol lol lol

This is his 2 week pic, in action even.

As you can see he doesn't miss an opportunity to eat! lol

What is he?

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