***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Oh no. I want! My husband would probable divorce me. I have 60+ chicks in the garage... over a dozen due to hatch... yah. I have to hold off. Even though I would LOVE to have those colors in my yard!!!

When you have 60+ chicks then it's not hard. I don't name them until I KNOW that they are a boy/girl and that they WILL be here to stay. Other wise I get attached. Although... when I had some Marans I had hatched and raised to a certain age it was really hard and heart tugging when I had to get rid of the boys at an auction. Now when I take them to sell or auction it's not so much an attachment thing. It's a will they be taken care of thing. I don't even want to think of where they are or if they were raised for a stew pot or not.

Oh no. I don't want anymore chickens. What colors are the cochins? Oh gracious. I just hatched a batch of silkies and cochins. Bought some standard cochin chicks from a gal in Inola. Ohhhh no. I need to get some gone! Not bring some in! But do tell me what color they are. I love my cochins big and small!

My crochet chicken. I got the pattern online but added my own waddles and tail. It's designed to sit on a shelf (why the legs are silly).

@ Nanakat: LOVE your garden! I don't think ours has enough sun or something. It just isn't doing well. Oh well. It will keep the people at the farmers market with a little more cash in their pocket.
@ California posters, I have family in Temecula and Ramona. We use to live in Julian but moved here to Okie homa when I was 15 in '95. Why here I still try to figure out but I guess it worked out for the best. Still don't like the humidity and heat. Miss the ocean! I haven't been back in about 3 years. Small world!

As for POOPS, I'm not sure what to bring. I have some of my standard black cochin chicks I can bring if anyone wants one. They are in their funny getting feathers and doing away with fuzz all legs and neck stage. They should be fully feathered in a month. If not then I would question what is wrong with them lol.

Bok Bok, my Cochin was dust bathing so I tried to get a picture. Someone else was wanting some attention. I'll just let the visuals tell the story.
Big girl gettin' her spa on!!!

EDIT: That's the brat Orp that is a toast and bagel thief!
Love the pics! I swear....chickens could have their own reality tv show sometimes....
Okay, so I was recently diagnosed with severe neuropathy in my legs. I was headed down the steps of my porch earlier and couldn't feel my right foot, and didn't realize that I codn't feel it until I heard the grinding noise at the same time the foot twisted out from under me and the world did this weird flippy thingy. So there I was, lying in a pile of leaves, swearing loudly, and my dog came over, laid down in front of me, and started whimpering. She's such a good dog. Then I felt something pulling at my hair and Checkers, my Barred Rock, came around the top of my head and started crooning at me. She stood right there talking to me and picking leaves out of my hair until I managed to push myself up.

No breaks, just a severe sprain. I never imagined my chickens could surprise me so much more than they already have. It seems like they amaze me more every day.
Oh no! How scary....good thing you weren't covered in ground hamburger or mealworms or something. You've got a few furry and fluffy's an more looking out for you that it wasn't worse. Still, bad enough...
I hear that sometimes sprains are worse than breaks. I am hoping that you were able to get treated quickly.... still catching up on the posts....
So my girls are getting big enough to put in their chicken coop BUT it has not been built yet which is what I plan on doing tomorrow. I have spent the past month getting free lumber to build the little 5ft wide 8ft deep and 6ft tall A Frame palace. I'm nervous because this will be my first structure I have ever built so any suggestions are welcome! This shall be entertaining for the neighbors!
So, update on the 'full' silkie egg. I opened it in a bag, but first sniff by itself was not unusual...did the bag just to be safe. The shell was really hard! I am thinking that is part of the problem. Oh, before, I did do a float test. No life. But tried to mark the air sack. - It seemed small, and more tot he side than on the end. In my experience, it is about half to the side - possibly a tad more on the end. This one was definitely mostly to the side.
When I opened, there was a fully formed chick in there. I am thinking that the thick shell was the problem - too hard to break through - maybe not enough evaporation to make the air cell bigger. The chick seemed to be in the correct position, but it may have not managed to reach the air cell for an internal pip. Bummers, but at least it makes sense.

I currently have one more batch of eggs in the bator - 'rescued' from my broodies. Silkie hen just couldn't cover all of her eggs, and then the two saved from the flower pot hen. I will give them some time - candle everything and then think about putting the growing ones back under the silkie. I know that some are not going to be fertile, so the remaining ones may fit under in the later stages.
My chick order arrived this morning at 1:30. A cold snap is expected tonight, so I have an extra heat lamp turned on in the outside brooder.

Yea!!! So m any cuties! I can only imagine the joy of opening a box full of so much cuteness!
The feed store was out of the food we usually get, had to get purina, the only one w/o added ca++ or medication. The stinky doos are organizing a hunger strike.
Toddlers are toddlers no matter what the species!
What do you usually feed your chicks? JUst curious because were not excited about what we are currently using and Im curious as to what others recommend.
Oh no. I want! My husband would probable divorce me. I have 60+ chicks in the garage... over a dozen due to hatch... yah. I have to hold off. Even though I would LOVE to have those colors in my yard!!!

When you have 60+ chicks then it's not hard. I don't name them until I KNOW that they are a boy/girl and that they WILL be here to stay. Other wise I get attached. Although... when I had some Marans I had hatched and raised to a certain age it was really hard and heart tugging when I had to get rid of the boys at an auction. Now when I take them to sell or auction it's not so much an attachment thing. It's a will they be taken care of thing. I don't even want to think of where they are or if they were raised for a stew pot or not.

Oh no. I don't want anymore chickens. What colors are the cochins? Oh gracious. I just hatched a batch of silkies and cochins. Bought some standard cochin chicks from a gal in Inola. Ohhhh no. I need to get some gone! Not bring some in! But do tell me what color they are. I love my cochins big and small!

My crochet chicken. I got the pattern online but added my own waddles and tail. It's designed to sit on a shelf (why the legs are silly).

@ Nanakat: LOVE your garden! I don't think ours has enough sun or something. It just isn't doing well. Oh well. It will keep the people at the farmers market with a little more cash in their pocket.
@ California posters, I have family in Temecula and Ramona. We use to live in Julian but moved here to Okie homa when I was 15 in '95. Why here I still try to figure out but I guess it worked out for the best. Still don't like the humidity and heat. Miss the ocean! I haven't been back in about 3 years. Small world!

As for POOPS, I'm not sure what to bring. I have some of my standard black cochin chicks I can bring if anyone wants one. They are in their funny getting feathers and doing away with fuzz all legs and neck stage. They should be fully feathered in a month. If not then I would question what is wrong with them lol.

Bok Bok, my Cochin was dust bathing so I tried to get a picture. Someone else was wanting some attention. I'll just let the visuals tell the story.
Big girl gettin' her spa on!!!

EDIT: That's the brat Orp that is a toast and bagel thief!

I love your cochin and I love that crocheted chicken! Ill have to post a pic of one I knit for my oldest son-AKA chicken addict #2. :)
Okay, so I was recently diagnosed with severe neuropathy in my legs. I was headed down the steps of my porch earlier and couldn't feel my right foot, and didn't realize that I couldn't feel it until I heard the grinding noise at the same time the foot twisted out from under me and the world did this weird flippy thingy. So there I was, lying in a pile of leaves, swearing loudly, and my dog came over, laid down in front of me, and started whimpering. She's such a good dog. Then I felt something pulling at my hair and Checkers, my Barred Rock, came around the top of my head and started crooning at me. She stood right there talking to me and picking leaves out of my hair until I managed to push myself up.

No breaks, just a severe sprain. I never imagined my chickens could surprise me so much more than they already have. It seems like they amaze me more every day.
That sounds scary. My mom has neuropathy and it is no fun. Some days she seems fine and others she can barely move. That in itself is scary without falling. But I'm glad you had such nice company! What a sweet chicken and dog you have!

Im so glad the weather is getting warmer! Perfect timing for getting all these chicks outside! YEA!!!
Yea!!! So m any cuties! I can only imagine the joy of opening a box full of so much cuteness!
What do you usually feed your chicks? JUst curious because were not excited about what we are currently using and Im curious as to what others recommend.

I love your cochin and I love that crocheted chicken! Ill have to post a pic of one I knit for my oldest son-AKA chicken addict #2. :)
That sounds scary. My mom has neuropathy and it is no fun. Some days she seems fine and others she can barely move. That in itself is scary without falling. But I'm glad you had such nice company! What a sweet chicken and dog you have!

Im so glad the weather is getting warmer! Perfect timing for getting all these chicks outside! YEA!!!
Gamebird crumbles, I wet them, or ferment them. They are 20% protein, no extra ca++, no medication.
Still so sick, not able to get anything done, getting further behind on the garden. Worried it is settling into pneumonia.
so sorry,
there is some respiratory something going around, or maybe it is just allergies leading to sinus trouble. I was sick with what ever it was: no voice, soar throat, ect. I went to Dr. and he said it was just sinus.That makes my 4th sinus infection in 7 months. Then my DH had the same problem and it lead to a miserable ear ache.
About 1/3 of the teachers at school have lost their voice., and not just from yelling. I don't yell much at kids. They just talk louder. I get very, very quiet and then the get silent and wide eyed. If that doesn't work I pick up the phone and start looking up Mom's # that usually works.

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