***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Please pray for my family and I. Home as we know it may not be the same again. We've had to turn off the hot water because we think that it is running under the foundation of our house. And if that's the case, the foundation of our very home may be cracking or breaking. It will take quite a lot of money to fix that, as you may know, and we already have to work with what we have. So, in the meantime, cold showers/cold water in general.

We are very worried down here.

we have had to do similar things at various times, we have heated water on the stove, it helps some. Will be praying for you and the situation
Hello fellow Okies. Down here in Atoka, new to the bird game and have been reading everything when I'm not killing myself building a coop. At present have 7 RIR chicks, 10 Black Marans and one unknown. Had a neighbor give me 5 Guinues (sp) a couple of days before.

Hello fellow Okies. Down here in Atoka, new to the bird game and have been reading everything when I'm not killing myself building a coop. At present have 7 RIR chicks, 10 Black Marans and one unknown. Had a neighbor give me 5 Guinues (sp) a couple of days before.


Ahhh, the gift of guineas. I had a friend give me guinea eggs to hatch, yikes now I have them too!

Check out the POOPS thread where fellow Okie chicken people meet up and buy/sell/swap.
Please pray for my family and I. Home as we know it may not be the same again. We've had to turn off the hot water because we think that it is running under the foundation of our house. And if that's the case, the foundation of our very home may be cracking or breaking. It will take quite a lot of money to fix that, as you may know, and we already have to work with what we have. So, in the meantime, cold showers/cold water in general.

We are very worried down here.
Nothing like hard times to deal with. Praying that a miracle comes your way 'Chickenfan4life'.
Good news on the chicken front! The chicks had what I believed was coccidia, but I had been treating them for what I felt was way too long, and the Corid wasn't fixing the problem. My larger chickens had diarrhea, and I had started seeing rusty poops, along with the ongoing issue with them not gaining weight, but because I'd tried the Corid already, I was thinking it had to be something else. In a conversation with Dusti the other day she mentioned it could be Corid-resistant coccidia. OMG, Corid-resistant coccidia?!?!?!?! I'd been trying to get my hands on Sulmet for forever, just to have it in my arsenal for just-in-cases, but it wasn't available in any of the feedstores around me, so she picked up a bottle for me. Now, four days later, I'm seeing a difference already! The chicks that were hunched over and flirting with the Hades roosters are all perked back up and eating! My poor flock must have been dealing with this for ages. Poor feathered babies.

Thank you Dusti!
Please pray for my family and I. Home as we know it may not be the same again. We've had to turn off the hot water because we think that it is running under the foundation of our house. And if that's the case, the foundation of our very home may be cracking or breaking. It will take quite a lot of money to fix that, as you may know, and we already have to work with what we have. So, in the meantime, cold showers/cold water in general.

We are very worried down here.

I am so sorry to hear of this. I will pray for things to improve for you. The best thing is, that once this is resolved, and you've moved on, you will look back at this time, fondly, as a time, when you all pulled together, to get through the tough times. In 10 years, it will be reflected upon, as "the good times" when a family stuck it out, in a tough situation.
Please pray for my family and I. Home as we know it may not be the same again. We've had to turn off the hot water because we think that it is running under the foundation of our house. And if that's the case, the foundation of our very home may be cracking or breaking. It will take quite a lot of money to fix that, as you may know, and we already have to work with what we have. So, in the meantime, cold showers/cold water in general.

We are very worried down here.

I am so sorry to hear of this. I will pray for things to improve for you. The best thing is, that once this is resolved, and you've moved on, you will look back at this time, fondly, as a time, when you all pulled together, to get through the tough times. In 10 years, it will be reflected upon, as "the good times" when a family stuck it out, in a tough situation.

We did a stint without hot water and our washing machine broke at the same time. We, now, laugh at washing clothes in cold water in the bathtub. Wasn't much fun at the time though. Hope you find its not as bad as you thought and can get it all fixed soon. ((Hugs))
I double-majored in elementary education and art many years ago, but left after two years to get married and start a family. Does that allow me any sort of entry into those two groups? I've continued my art work sporadically through the years, in several media.

And her artwork is good too.
Incorporated the middle size chickens into the flock along with the frizzled cochin bantam without a single issue or fuss. I've never had that happen before. I'm guessing it was because they were all the same colors as birds we already had. Shrug.

New babies are doing great but they're odd too. The meat birds aren't anywhere near as filthy as they've always been before.

And for my third oddity, our extra rooster that came as a surprise chick has claimed two of my older hens for himself and our boy Onyx had no objections. They haven't sparred off or fought even a little bit.

Now if my goats would cooperate likeways, id have it made.

Ended up having to build a big fence along the alley to keep people from harrassing them. I almost hated doing it because I know we have a few people that walk past our place just to see our critters and talk to them but our druggie neighbors were doing drops in the alley and really had our billie upset. Plus who knows what meth addled people might get a notion to do. Sigh.

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