***OKIES in the BYC III ***

@NanaKat You drive a hard bargain ;) if I take him Id be so so glad to have her too. Polish has always been on my want list :) if Arlo sees that rooster there's no way I'm Not getting him; he's so cute. I love my bantam cochins. And turnips are my absolute favorite food! I don't think we will have our beds ready enough to do any fall planting besides cover crops but were hoping to be planting by spring.
Les, I bet if there is one modifier there are others. As far as if they are NaNa or Nana the easiest way I can think of is hatching eggs w/ a nana if any are feather necked then the roo has to be Nana.

Okay I have come to an insane idea ..................................... I am building a Wallipini (underground green house). I am going to set it up for growing fish and plants aquaponically, and as at least winter housing for the scaleless chickens. I know I just have one now but thinking for the future.
@NanaKat I love all your mama hens! I've got about as many broody hens here, too. They hate to see me coming because I go to throwing them off their nests lol They get SOOO mad! They run squawking and screaming out the door and jump on the 1st other hen they see haha :lol:
Now some pics! I kept them small but you can click on them and see them full size.
The Barred Rocks are the ones I did the day Coral and kass taught us in March. Look at those tiny combs :))


And just look at the colors on this Brown Leghorn capon! I got him & the Legbar capon from Poco.


This is the 1st girl I did crop surgery on, she's an Araucana/Silkie mix.

And one of my little hatchery Spitz girls, one of my 3 LF Fav pullets (the 3 boys are now capons) and my only remaining Brown Leghorn girl. I love these Brown Leghorns.


Forgot my Gold Laced Brahma boy. He's 10 months old now (intact) and lives in a yard with a Bantam Ameraucana rooster. I guess because he's the submissive rooster? But he doesn't crow or breed the girls yet. I'm kinda' hoping he stays that way. He's so pretty.
Quote: here they are today- gotta love the coloring-

somebody really NEEDS those other ducks!LOL!

and this boy must find a home.... a nn/silkie mix, thought he was my cochin Captains son, but he has black feet and toes, so Chester must have snuck in there.. Dragon was mama- has been caponized twice and and must be good at hiding his manliness... but galahad as he has begun feeling better is not tolerating him

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Kass, not so insane. I considered it, but my soil is too rocky, and I'd have to break through big stone plates.

OK, I wasn't sure if an egg exploding could happen so quickly. We had chickens many years ago we ended up rehoming and some 4 months later we had a surprise egg explode under our porch. Yuck!!! :sick  So, I thought maybe it wouldn't be a big deal to wait it out, but I guess at 99 degrees it can happen sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately it was a bad crack. :(  I was pretty upset at myself.
Ok, so maybe once at day 10 or 14 and then not again until lockdown time? While sniffing the whole time? :)  The incubator is in my bedroom so Im sure Ill smell it pretty fast.

OHHHH thats brilliant! I get it! I will have some made for after candling. That just sounds so much better than squeezing everything in! :weee

I usually candle about day 10 to pull out clears and then again about day 17-18 when I'm moving into lockdown.  You don't want a egg exploding in the bator!  You will definitely smell one going off if you pass the bator daily.

X2 especially if done right away this can save the egg.

In the diary and notes thread by sally sunshine, there's a study on when not to candle.

I can't remember if it's day 7-14 or 10-14. It has something to do with them being disoriented during alignment with some axis.
I seem to have lost some chickens. I haven't had predator issues in forever, so I'm lost on what happened. I tried to inventory, but it doesn't help when your chicken math got the better of you over the last six months. Three guinea babies, a Brahma, an Orpington (the thinning feathers bird, believe it or not), an EE pullet, and the worst, Ella, my CL girl. I found tiny bundles of feathers for the Brahma and the Orpington but not a trace of the others. I can honestly say I wasn't emotionally bonded to them, but I'm really disappointed about losing Ella; she was a really sweet girl.

I can't imagine what got them. A dog would have killed more and left dead bodies. I guess it's possible a fox got lucky and made an end run around the dogs that live here, but not likely.
I seem to have lost some chickens. I haven't had predator issues in forever, so I'm lost on what happened. I tried to inventory, but it doesn't help when your chicken math got the better of you over the last six months. Three guinea babies, a Brahma, an Orpington (the thinning feathers bird, believe it or not), an EE pullet, and the worst, Ella, my CL girl. I found tiny bundles of feathers for the Brahma and the Orpington but not a trace of the others. I can honestly say I wasn't emotionally bonded to them, but I'm really disappointed about losing Ella; she was a really sweet girl.

I can't imagine what got them. A dog would have killed more and left dead bodies. I guess it's possible a fox got lucky and made an end run around the dogs that live here, but not likely.

Sorry for your losses.

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