***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I never thought of that.  It makes sense, but would he rock or nod like that if that is all it is?

Dehydration could cause that overwhelming sluggishness. If he has frostbite on his comb it's possible he could also have experienced hypothermia, which could lead to shock and disorientation. If that's the case it'll take a few days to recover, and he'll need lots of fluids and electrlytes.
Dehydration could cause that overwhelming sluggishness. If he has frostbite on his comb it's possible he could also have experienced hypothermia, which could lead to shock and disorientation. If that's the case it'll take a few days to recover, and he'll need lots of fluids and electrlytes.
Very good input. I never think like that, guess that's why I don't offer much info most of the time. Fluids and electrolytes are always a must, I agree, and that's why we tube them if we're not sure if they're getting enough. You're always thinking on your feet. Thanks. How's your boy doing? You said he was doing better in the last post I read, but I miss posts.
A few thoughts on Goliath. A comb that is dark and "pinks right up" is not likely darkened from frost bite, especially w/o any damage even to the tipy tips. The first stages of frost bite are not black at all, that doesn't happen until days later and that tissue is dead and does not ever pink up, but dries up and falls off. Repetative head movement is most likely neurologic in my opinion, could be from vit. deficiency, but if he has been eating and drinking normally, and no other chickens are vit deficient while eating and drinking the same food, I would doubt lack of food is an issue. Besides vit deficiency the two main neuro issues I can think of are sickness, and injury. How old is he? Sluggish can be sickness, injury, or cardiac in nature.
Goliath is 2. One thing i just remembered isbefore i brought him in the house i noticed his poop under his roost was white with green in it. I thought he had gotten into the rabbit pellets. But I wormed him today just in case. He is still holding on but barely. I have been Giving him electrolytes in his water.
I'm sorry, there are so many issues that are so similar w/ chickens it is really hard to pinpoint exactly. Good supportive care, which you are doing, is your best bet for getting him through.
I just got up and got him to drink some more of what i call chicken gatoraide he had enough strength to make me work at getting him turned around in his cage. I Also got some D3 in him. Looks like he pecked at his food and back to sleep he went.
I'm learning best through experience.  Last winter I had a little Welsummer pullet get wry neck in the brooder.  @Kyzmette
 told me vitamin e and selenium would help, so we started her on that and vitamin D3 plus niacin and put ACV in her water. Lots of boiled eggs for protein.  She wouldn't eat at first so hubby tubed her w/ high protein feed and
water.  In a few days she started eating.  I really thought she wouldn't get any better, but we didn't give up and kept the vitamins up for at least a month,and she ended up normal after awhile.
 named her Molly for me after Molly Brown, since she overcame great odds.  Since then I've had a few chickens injured or something and act off balance.  We followed the same regimen.  Right now, I have a LF game pullet that was acting a lot like your boy.  She was sleeping in the coop and didn't get up to eat when I fed.  We brought her in, but she couldn't get her neck down to eat and she really wanted too, so she'd just lay there and sleep nodding.  I think one of the young roosters injured her somehow, but in case it was something else we gave her Amoxicillian along with the vit e sel etc.  Since she couldn't drink and would run into the bars of the cage any time she tried like being off balance.  It's hard to explain.  We tube fed her w/food and water.  Hubby and I decided if she didn't get any better w/in about 10 days we would put her down.  She did and now is a member of the household because she isn't used of the cold now.  I hate when it's winter and I have to bring them in for very long because I'm so afraid to put them back out if it's cold.  My big Christmas present was a dozen chicken diapers.  LOL I should put them out in the day on warmer days and bring them back in at night and maybe get them used to the cold again.  I really don't know and haven't asked anyone on here what they do.  Oh I did ask Robin and she said she felt the same way. I sincerely hope your boy gets better.  It's hard when you have one that u really like or love and they get hurt or sick.  I never know what to do and just try.  But I would get advice from people on here and try it.  Sometimes it takes a long time, like it did the Welsummer pullet, who now lays me nice brown eggs. I'll add your boy to my prayers.

Shoot i totally understand. Of i can get this Guy better he can rest and relax in the house til spring. He has not got a mean bone in body. I am finding myself a bit surprised that other than my sweet silkies, and skye my sole BR. I love and care for all my birds, but I have gotten so attached to two roosters. Lol
I'm sorry, there are so many issues that are so similar w/ chickens it is really hard to pinpoint exactly. Good supportive care, which you are doing, is your best bet for getting him through.

Shoot i totally understand. Of i can get this Guy better he can rest and relax in the house til spring. He has not got a mean bone in body. I am finding myself a bit surprised that other than my sweet silkies, and skye my sole BR. I love and care for all my birds, but I have gotten so attached to two roosters. Lol
It's like that country song to me. I love them all. big, little, short or tall. I put him in my prayers and u too in case God decides he wants him.

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