***OKIES in the BYC III ***



Here's my lone SFH pullet (cathiesue), about 25 weeks (old pic but coloring is the same). I think she needs a SFH cockerel. I'm also thinking my Blue Isbar pullet (lonnyandrinda), about 38 weeks, needs an Isbar cockerel. Now, I'm not saying I'm ready to buy...it's a little cold outside to quarantine and finish the breeding pens, but...who has a boy for me?

I've given up on maintaining my NPIP. Too many people that have what I want aren't NPIP. ;)
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Here's my lone SFH pullet (cathiesue), about 25 weeks (old pic but coloring is the same). I think she needs a SFH cockerel. I'm also thinking my Blue Isbar pullet (lonnyandrinda), about 38 weeks, needs an Isbar cockerel. Now, I'm not saying I'm ready to buy...it's a little cold outside to quarantine and finish the breeding pens, but...who has a boy for me?

I've given up on maintaining my NPIP. Too many people that have what I want aren't NPIP. ;)

When you get that isbar roo put me on the egg list!

Also anyone around here have icelandics? I'm thinking I want some :)
The Agriculture Department has a clinic each year for anyone who wants to become a tester. I was a tester for years, partly because you can then test new birds before you integrate them into your flock, and when they test negative, you can put them in with your flock. Of course, you can also test your friend's flocks for a slight fee or none, if you choose.
I'm in Tulsa too. This is my first year with chickens. I have 3 RIRs who will be 1 in May. Currently it says it is 19F feels like 3F with the wind chill. Inside the coop the thermometer says 41F with 22% humidity. I haven't added heat or anything. Tonight I think it's supposed to get down to 11 not including the wind chill. They're still out in the run pecking around. They don't seem bothered at all when I check on them. I've been checking on their water every couple hours and giving them warm water when it starts freezing. I guess we'll just leave them be and let them do their thing. They know more about being a chicken than I do I guess
. What is everyone else doing? Nothing?
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He's doing SO much better, thanks for asking! His whooping is gone, and the crackles in his lungs are almost completely gone. He poops like a HORSE! Could be because he's back to eating like one. I'd love to diaper this boy up and keep him in the house, but I don't think even an extra large Pampers could hold all this boy's poop. I'm not complaining, mind you, because it means he's doing good. I gave him what I think is going to be his last round of antibiotics last night, so I need to start him on yogurt and probiotics tonight. Everything seems to be good, but I caught a whiff of odor that didn't smell right, so he's probably needing some good intestinal care by now. I'm from around the Tulsa area! I'd give my longitude and latitude, but I save those for only the most special stalkers. ;)

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