***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Also a few minutes ago he didn't feel like getting a syringe of water and vitamins so he walked away from me flapping his wings, ended up doing a forward roll. I saw him do this earlier today after he pooped it surprised him so much he jumped forward and ended up doing a forward roll on the couch. His balance is really off.

Maybe wry neck? or a crop issue?? or ear infection. idk He breathes fine, his breath smells fine, he does not seem to be in any pain. clear eyes...
Wry neck is a possibility, but you've been doing vitamins right? How many days has he had vitamins and what are the frequency you've given them? He does not look good. If you can't get a turnaround in the next day or two I don't think he's going to make it. So frustrated for you!

I hate to bring it up, but it *could* be Marek's. It can affect balance and ability to walk and control muscles. Only way to definitely identify it is a necropsy unfortunately. If you do lose him, you can refrigerate the body and call the state dept of agriculture to come pick him up and they can very likely get you a cause of death- at least it may save your other birds if they come down with the same symptoms.
Wry neck is a possibility, but you've been doing vitamins right?  How many days has he had vitamins and what are the frequency you've given them?  He does not look good.  If you can't get a turnaround in the next day or two I don't think he's going to make it.  So frustrated for you!

I hate to bring it up, but it *could* be Marek's.  It can affect balance and ability to walk and control muscles.  Only way to definitely identify it is a necropsy unfortunately.  If you do lose him, you can refrigerate the body and call the state dept of agriculture to come pick him up and they can very likely get you a cause of death- at least it may save your other birds if they come down with the same symptoms.

We are on the second day of B and D3. I am going to pick up some E today.

I do not know much about Mareks. Will read up on it today.

Thanks for being supportive. It helps!!
We are on the second day of B and D3. I am going to pick up some E today.

I do not know much about Mareks. Will read up on it today.

Thanks for being supportive. It helps!!

Bright green poop can be an indicator of bacterial infection, and something like salmonella can cause the exact symptoms you're seeing. Can you get your hands on penicillin or baytril to try a round of them? Penicillin might be easy to get from a local vet and as a general antibiotic wouldn't have too many bad consequences if that's not the answer.
Also a few minutes ago he didn't feel like getting a syringe of water and vitamins so he walked away from me flapping his wings, ended up doing a forward roll. I saw him do this earlier today after he pooped it surprised him so much he jumped forward and ended up doing a forward roll on the couch. His balance is really off.

Maybe wry neck? or a crop issue?? or ear infection. idk He breathes fine, his breath smells fine, he does not seem to be in any pain. clear eyes...
do you have any nutridrench? sometimes vitamin deficiencies can cause those symptoms-

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The daughter of my Wheaten Marans roo and his black Ameraucana concubine produced a feather-footed, bearded black pullet. She gave me this tonight! The egg on the right is a practice egg from a Marans X dark Cornish.

Interesting event early this morning. I have a few chicks under a heat lamp in the bathroom. At 1230 am, was awoken to a demanding unhappy cheep cheep cheep.... No power, it had been off since midnight. Spent the next few minutes finding a box, getting the flashlight, finding and activating hand warmers. Three of the four warmers worked. Put them in the box, chicks too. Box in a soft cooler. Went and found more blankets for children. Chicks still peeping but not as much. Took them in bed with me under the covers. Cat wanted to know what the cool scritchy sounds were.... Chicks were still noisy. Ugh! Then, I hear a heavy breathing sound... open up everything and stick hand down into box ... it is too hot!
So now, turn box on side so there is more room to move, let it open a bit, so chicks have hand warmer side and cracked open side for them to find the right temp. I guess that the hand warmers just took a bit of time to get up to full speed. Chicks now banished back to bathroom. They were quite the remainder of the night and into mid morning. Power came back on about 3am. Not sure how cold it got in the house but it wasn't too bad. Chicks were happy and that was the key issue. We would have been ok, especially after finding an additional set of warmers as back up.
I definitely recommend getting a hand full of warmers just to have as a reserve heat source if you are brooding chicks. I am just really happy I wasn't incubating eggs or the power outage didn't last more than the few hours.
Interesting event early this morning. I have a few chicks under a heat lamp in the bathroom. At 1230 am, was awoken to a demanding unhappy cheep cheep cheep.... No power, it had been off since midnight. Spent the next few minutes finding a box, getting the flashlight, finding and activating hand warmers. Three of the four warmers worked. Put them in the box, chicks too. Box in a soft cooler. Went and found more blankets for children. Chicks still peeping but not as much. Took them in bed with me under the covers. Cat wanted to know what the cool scritchy sounds were.... Chicks were still noisy. Ugh! Then, I hear a heavy breathing sound... open up everything and stick hand down into box ... it is too hot!
So now, turn box on side so there is more room to move, let it open a bit, so chicks have hand warmer side and cracked open side for them to find the right temp. I guess that the hand warmers just took a bit of time to get up to full speed. Chicks now banished back to bathroom. They were quite the remainder of the night and into mid morning. Power came back on about 3am. Not sure how cold it got in the house but it wasn't too bad. Chicks were happy and that was the key issue. We would have been ok, especially after finding an additional set of warmers as back up.
I definitely recommend getting a hand full of warmers just to have as a reserve heat source if you are brooding chicks. I am just really happy I wasn't incubating eggs or the power outage didn't last more than the few hours.
Wow, glad you had the hand warmers. Where can I find some at, would Atwoods have them or even Walmart.

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