***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I have too many roosters as it is, or I would happily take a Floyd boy. They're both super gorgeous.
I'm so so sorry to read this. To think of all those chickens
please update us. I don't have much but I want to help any way I can.

Thanks everybody. She had some very rare birds that are missing/dead. I took some of her survivors to my home to a spare pen and she is borrowing two of my empty coops and some of my cages with trays in the bottom. So immediate needs are met, but I'm sure she will appreciate any donations of materials or labor when she's ready to rebuild. For now they will use their tractor to clear away the old and burn it. I'll keep you updated or post her facebook update when she is ready to share.
Thanks everybody. She had some very rare birds that are missing/dead. I took some of her survivors to my home to a spare pen and she is borrowing two of my empty coops and some of my cages with trays in the bottom. So immediate needs are met, but I'm sure she will appreciate any donations of materials or labor when she's ready to rebuild. For now they will use their tractor to clear away the old and burn it. I'll keep you updated or post her facebook update when she is ready to share.

From Chandra Hopping (Hopping Farms):
Thank you all for your sweet thoughts and prayers about the devastating fire last night. I can’t tell you how much it helped to warm my heart. The cause of the fire was initially unknown, as there were no lights, or electricity of any kind in the building where the fire started. We spent the night rerunning the incident through our heads over and over. We finally had the fire marshal do an inspection. The fire looks to be arson. The building where the fire started housed my 9 Cemani’s. There were several birds lost in the connecting buildings as well. Including my 7 year olds prized Silver Phoenix. That was the hardest part for me watching the roof fall in on her babies, and knowing there was nothing more I could do. My husband and I fought through the flames, and were able to save several birds. I have 2 injured roosters, but they should recover just fine. We will have a lot of clean up over the next few weeks. Due to minor injuries I sustained rescuing the birds; I will not be able to start clean up for a little while. I appreciate and may accept the offers for help rebuilding. As of right now though, I am hurting so bad. I am not sure I will be able to mentally handle starting over. The birds that were lost were so costly that I will not be able to replace them. I have my Polish coops that were not touched by the fire. I will be spending the rest of the winter being thankful for them, and thankful that my family was kept safe. Again thank you all for your support.

pictures here:
Please say a prayer for a fellow chicken keeper in Broken Arrow, her shed/chicken area burned down last night. It was electrical in nature but not heat lamp related. I'm headed over to help her assess the damage. She lost some very special and also some very valuable birds. All her coops are damaged. When she is ready I will share her name and her needs in case anyone is able to help. I have 2 empty coops and a small 3 hole pen I am going to offer her and also take her some extra feeders/waterers I have laying around.


What a beautiful girl!
I have been looking for brabanters. Where did you find them? I thought for sure Greenfire would have them, but they don't. There's a Brabanter facebook page I joined, but not many people on there have anything. Are you going to sell chicks or do you have any for sale. You can PM me if need be. Lots of qustions, but I just love those birds. I guess I love them all. LOL
My big Christmas present was a dozen different sized chicken diapers. It seems someone is always having to come in the house for one reason or another. Now if someone comes in, they won't have to be confined to one little room(w/0 carpeting of course.
Good thing you are so creative. Rudy is in good hands and I'm sure will do fine this winter. You need to come see the two Abraham chicks. I have both showgirls setting on eggs too.
I should have chicks in the spring. Send me a PM in March and I'll let you know what's available.
is there any chance at all they are in hiding still? my heart breaks for her!!

No chance. Today going through the rubble we were able to identify 9 white meated birds (which accounts for all or nearly all of the missing white meated birds) and 5 of the 9 Cemani. She assumes since the fire was biggest and hottest in the Cemani pen the remaining birds were incinerated. Those that she found were pretty far gone and fragmented. If someone stole the birds and started the fire to hide the theft they would not have left so many Cemani behind, they are much too valuable.
From Chandra Hopping (Hopping Farms):
Thank you all for your sweet thoughts and prayers about the devastating fire last night. I can’t tell you how much it helped to warm my heart. The cause of the fire was initially unknown, as there were no lights, or electricity of any kind in the building where the fire started. We spent the night rerunning the incident through our heads over and over. We finally had the fire marshal do an inspection. The fire looks to be arson. The building where the fire started housed my 9 Cemani’s. There were several birds lost in the connecting buildings as well. Including my 7 year olds prized Silver Phoenix. That was the hardest part for me watching the roof fall in on her babies, and knowing there was nothing more I could do. My husband and I fought through the flames, and were able to save several birds. I have 2 injured roosters, but they should recover just fine. We will have a lot of clean up over the next few weeks. Due to minor injuries I sustained rescuing the birds; I will not be able to start clean up for a little while. I appreciate and may accept the offers for help rebuilding. As of right now though, I am hurting so bad. I am not sure I will be able to mentally handle starting over. The birds that were lost were so costly that I will not be able to replace them. I have my Polish coops that were not touched by the fire. I will be spending the rest of the winter being thankful for them, and thankful that my family was kept safe. Again thank you all for your support.

pictures here:

My heart aches! An arsenist...cowardly, cheating, despicable. Prayers for you all...the Hopping family and those able to help. I know the west side of the state is ready to help too, when they're ready.

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