***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just received our first egg this morning. All our hens are within one month of the same age, so we will probably get lots of eggs shortly!
Today started out to be a really nice day, but a dumped dog ruined my afternoon. Leaving a dog in the country is not an act of kindness. It's an act of irresponsibility and neglect, and everyone loses. I heard a ruckus outside but ignored it because we were expecting a delivery from FedX. Sure enough, I heard the driver honk, so I bundled up and went out front to sign for the package.

The dogs were still barking after the driver disappeared down the driveway, so I put the box in the house and went to check the barn. I heard chickens screaming, so I took a shovel from the barn and ran. By the time I got to the back of the barn, the stray had already killed most of the group that was free-ranging. Shovel 1, dog 0. Emaciated, covered with ticks, the stray must have been out of his mind with hunger. I don't blame him for killing my birds. I blame the owner for leaving the dog in the country to fend for himself. It took two hours to dig a hole deep enough to bury the dog and the chickens he killed. I feel sick. My heart is sick. Mossberg is gone. His red NN hen is gone. His black NN hen is gone. My blue Ameraucanas from Mitzi are gone. I found Shasta and two barred hens further away. In total, the stray took twelve from my flock. Vesta was penned because I was expecting FedX. Ironic, isn't it? I put the guard dog away so that the delivery driver wouldn't be scared.

Today started out to be a really nice day, but a dumped dog ruined my afternoon. Leaving a dog in the country is not an act of kindness. It's an act of irresponsibility and neglect, and everyone loses. I heard a ruckus outside but ignored it because we were expecting a delivery from FedX. Sure enough, I heard the driver honk, so I bundled up and went out front to sign for the package.

The dogs were still barking after the driver disappeared down the driveway, so I put the box in the house and went to check the barn. I heard chickens screaming, so I took a shovel from the barn and ran. By the time I got to the back of the barn, the stray had already killed most of the group that was free-ranging. Shovel 1, dog 0. Emaciated, covered with ticks, the stray must have been out of his mind with hunger. I don't blame him for killing my birds. I blame the owner for leaving the dog in the country to fend for himself. It took two hours to dig a hole deep enough to bury the dog and the chickens he killed. I feel sick. My heart is sick. Mossberg is gone. His red NN hen is gone. His black NN hen is gone. My blue Ameraucanas from Mitzi are gone. I found Shasta and two barred hens further away. In total, the stray took twelve from my flock. Vesta was penned because I was expecting FedX. Ironic, isn't it? I put the guard dog away so that the delivery driver wouldn't be scared.

I am so sorry Coral!
Thank you, Kassaundra. I'm physically sick over this. Digging the hole was an outlet for my frustration. Collecting my birds tore me to pieces again. Filling the hole is a blur; literally. I shoveled the dirt but can't recall how long it took.
Oh Coral I am so very sorry for your losses. I was just going to comment on the funny mixed animals you posted but that now seems wholly inappropriate. RIP sweet birdies.
Today started out to be a really nice day, but a dumped dog ruined my afternoon. Leaving a dog in the country is not an act of kindness. It's an act of irresponsibility and neglect, and everyone loses. I heard a ruckus outside but ignored it because we were expecting a delivery from FedX. Sure enough, I heard the driver honk, so I bundled up and went out front to sign for the package.

The dogs were still barking after the driver disappeared down the driveway, so I put the box in the house and went to check the barn. I heard chickens screaming, so I took a shovel from the barn and ran. By the time I got to the back of the barn, the stray had already killed most of the group that was free-ranging. Shovel 1, dog 0. Emaciated, covered with ticks, the stray must have been out of his mind with hunger. I don't blame him for killing my birds. I blame the owner for leaving the dog in the country to fend for himself. It took two hours to dig a hole deep enough to bury the dog and the chickens he killed. I feel sick. My heart is sick. Mossberg is gone. His red NN hen is gone. His black NN hen is gone. My blue Ameraucanas from Mitzi are gone. I found Shasta and two barred hens further away. In total, the stray took twelve from my flock. Vesta was penned because I was expecting FedX. Ironic, isn't it? I put the guard dog away so that the delivery driver wouldn't be scared.

So sorry!


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