***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I have some of the wild passion fruit in my flower garden To Kass! The blooms are so intricate. I love the smell of the dried fruits! I used to put them in my un der garment drawers in the fall. Nice woodsy smell. I would love to try some of the tame varietys.
My chicks I bought have been the fastest easiest ones I have ever raised. They are already the size of bantams and roosting in the rafters of the pigeon loft.

If yours look different then mine we can swap seeds this fall.
Thank you for this advise. One bird was definitely sick and seemed like it only took one day to make another one sick. The sick bird was laying on the ground looking like it was dying or something. Called up the man I bought them from and had him take them back. He offered to exchange birds for me but I didn't want any more birds from him. Ended up going to Guthrie and getting some 4 week old chicks from Willoby's Feed & Outfitters. They all look so cute and healthy. Have them in the garage right now in this giant tub that we had our first set of birds in when we got them. This time we got all different ones so can easily tell them apart and it will be enjoyable to see them color out differently. Put electrolytes in their water and got them crumbles. Won't be able to put them with the old flock as soon because of the age difference, but at least they all seem healthy.

Now I am wondering what I should use to clean the cage/coop I had the sick birds in ... would Dawn dishwashing detergent work?

Our feather picking bird, Mattie, was re-homed on Memorial Day, went to friend of husband who has many birds and said she didn't think her birds would allow her to pick their feathers. So glad because she was a healthy hen and didn't know what to do with her, just had a bad habit we couldn't break no matter what advise we tried.

Also want to thank everyone for gardening advise ... looks like everything is growing great and we might have a lot of tomatoes this year.

I've heard apple cider vinegar will work too if you don't want to use bleach.
My chicks are nearly 12 weeks old. The Buff O's are driving me a little crazy because of lingering gender confusion. Why are Buffs so difficult to tell boys from girls, even at this age? Half of them are driving me insane because they have both male and female physical characteristics. I hate waiting... The gender forums on here haven't been of much help, and how accurate are guesses from a pic anyway? Rant over. Lol!
Hello fellow okies I have a 6 week old barred rock rooster that I would like to get rid of any ideas.

Craigslist can usually get a chicken out of your hands! Or a local swap meet or a sale barn somewhere.

There's a livestock sale that goes on in Wister, Oklahoma every Saturday morning and people sell chickens there as an example.
My mom belongs to some facebook group pages for poultry folks. They do a lot of buying, selling, swapping, and rehoming in those groups. I'm not on facebook myself, but I'll probably see if she can rehome any extra roosters for me if I happen to end up with some.
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My SLW cockerel met his maker this afternoon. I'm trying to be tough about it, but I'm just glad it happened quickly and he didn't suffer much if any. Neck broken. He wasn't very tame and tried to sneak out from under the temporary run as it was being moved a few feet. I'm charging my husband with involuntary chicken slaughter and sentencing him to start a new walk-in run we've been planning today.

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