***OKIES in the BYC III ***

snowing here, silly teen guineas are standing around in it trying to figure out whether to come in on the porch, the older ones know to do that- big flakes- supposed to be steady till at least midnite
Just wanted to check in to see how everyone was handling the snow storm.
We have lots of snow & it is suppose to keep coming for a few hours. Kids went out & opened the goat pen before it began snowing, but they have refused to even leave their shelters. Only seen them peak their heads out. Guess they knew the snow was coming. When the snow slows down the girls will have to go take them some treats.
It's nice to have a day inside just snuggled up with the kids & DH.
. We are in Texas and headed back. Going to be a long trip.
MJ be careful!!! You are going to be driving through some of the bad spots. The map looked like north Texas around Wichita Falls was getting it hard.
Our snow is done I think. It's enough that I can't see any grass peaking through--- guessing ankle deep. Kids just went out to feed the animals & only 2 goats came out of there house to eagerly get some food. Never thought our goats would have the ability to stay inside all day. They act as if they are in pain if we keep them restricted to their acre pen. The ducks have stayed out in the entire snow storm. Never bothered them a bit. Guineas, chickens & dogs seem to prefer the warmth like us humans.
MJ be careful!!! You are going to be driving through some of the bad spots. The map looked like north Texas around Wichita Falls was getting it hard.
Our snow is done I think. It's enough that I can't see any grass peaking through--- guessing ankle deep. Kids just went out to feed the animals & only 2 goats came out of there house to eagerly get some food. Never thought our goats would have the ability to stay inside all day. They act as if they are in pain if we keep them restricted to their acre pen. The ducks have stayed out in the entire snow storm. Never bothered them a bit. Guineas, chickens & dogs seem to prefer the warmth like us humans.
Roads not too bad here by Lake Murry. Thanks to Michael D. And all the road crew guys.
Has anyone heard when the Doctor's christmas episode is going to be aired and what channel, I can't find it anywhere, figured MacGuyver would know.

Sorry! I don't know. I always watch it with my friend in England on the BBC iPlayer via a proxy server, because I can't stand the thought of spoilers. I saw it at noon. BUT IT'S REALLY GOOD! You'll enjoy it!

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