***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Kass - Wow! I had not imagined that much water!
You've got someone looking out for you.

All my birds are dry, but most of the pens are a muddy mess. The first thing the Cornish babies did when I opened the door was rush to see who could get his feet the muddiest. I checked before I came back in the house, and two little stinkers needed to have their feet washed. They were wearing muddy boots up to their underbellies.

Tommy, or big barn cat, brought me a tiny snake. He carried it to where I was scrubbing a water dish, laid it out straight, sat behind it, and waited. When I saw his presentation of a gift, I gave him a good scratch behind the ears, admired the snake by turning it over with a stick, and then told him to share it with his girls. He gave me a look that said, "But you haven't even tasted it," and then he picked up the snake by its tail and dragged it into the barn. I heard a commotion after he'd turned the corner, so he may have had to tell the free-range roosters to back off.
Strange weather. Hope everyone is safe.

I walked 8 miles with my pack today. Weirdness followed me, but no dogs this time. Two trucks stopped to make sure I was okay. Both drivers assumed my car had broken down, somewhere, and I was lost, trying to find a gas station or a tow truck.
Did I mention I was carrying a pack and using a walking stick? Anyway, I thanked both drivers and assured them I was only a few miles from home. I'm going to find some walking trails that are populated with bikers and hikers for my next hundred miles. I must not look like a hiker, yet.
Maybe it was my hat. I'll have to get a different hat.
Probably a hat other than a ball cap would give you more authenticity for a training hike, maybe you need one like Elwood Lightfoot wears. A hundred miles is a lot of walking

Just checking in. We actually went to our "fraidy hole" for the first time in many years. Of course, once we thought the storm had passed my husband went out on the driveway to see what was going on and then came back to the safe area when he saw another funnel cloud.

Kass, so sorry about your car.

Will there be an auction in Newcastle this evening?
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Coral - you have me in stitches! can just see the proud look on Tommy's face and disappointment that you didn't want a taste of such a delicacy!

Marybeth! Glad you have a shelter, we don't, wish we did
I have one more polish hen that is grey with a white top. Their names are Ethel and Bethel. I hatched two of their babies in the brooder. My male is black with a white top.
yea, blue(gray) dose not breed true if you breed two together you could get blue, black or splash. From what i have read. so that makes since.
Newcastle auction is tonight.

Kass glad you're it out of the car on your own & you are safe.

We lost an entire coop of birds last night. The wind busted it up & found only a few dead birds. They were all young birds. Tarons lavendars she ordered this spring & the birds Lucas bought at the auction. There may still be a few live ones hiding somewhere so I will keep looking. Not sure if I am going to make the Newcastle sale, have an awful headache.

Hope everyone else checks in soon!!!

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