***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Bardies, I was on the edge of my seat praying for the little twin babies-I swear I saw 2 beaks, too lol! I feel like I got cheated out of a baby with only 1 in there :gig I don't care where you gotta pull it out of but you'd better come up with another chick outa' that egg!
I canNOT believe it was snowing this morning, this is ridiculous. Almost in the 90's, earthquakes, tornadoes and then it SNOWS?!
Bardies, I was on the edge of my seat praying for the little twin babies-I swear I saw 2 beaks, too lol! I feel like I got cheated out of a baby with only 1 in there
I don't care where you gotta pull it out of but you'd better come up with another chick outa' that egg!
I canNOT believe it was snowing this morning, this is ridiculous. Almost in the 90's, earthquakes, tornadoes and then it SNOWS?!
was out taking pictures of the calves with snowflakes flying around - between them, the chickens and the dogs... NO ONE was impressed.
We have a new member UrbanJan who should pop in soon. She lives in the Norman area.

We are reeling from the sudden loss of a family member to what appears to be a massive heart attack. My son-in-law's father died Saturday in his home when he went home for lunch and to take a short nap before returning to office to work. The neighbor saw the car in the driveway Sunday morning and knew it was normally in the garage at that time. Thinking it suspicious, he called the sheriff to investigate. The children are devastated at the early loss of their father. His wife was in Texas and in shock at the news so one of the sons went down to bring her home. Jerry was 66 and preparing to retire from his accounting business after this tax season. A close knit family, they are desperately trying to deal with their loss. Please keep this precious family in your prayers.
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We have a new member UrbanJan who should pop in soon. She lives in the Norman area.

We are reeling from the sudden loss of a family member to what appears to be a massive heart attack. My son-in-law's father died Saturday in his home when he went home for lunch and to take a short nap before returning to office to work. The neighbor saw the car in the driveway Sunday morning and knew it was normally in the garage at that time. Thinking it suspicious, he called the sheriff to investigate. The children are devastated at the early loss of their father. His wife was in Texas and in shock at the news so one of the sons went down to bring her home. Jerry was 66 and preparing to retire from his accounting business after this tax season. A close knit family, they are desperately trying to deal with their loss. Please keep this precious family in your prayers.
Praying for the family, am so sorry!
Praying for the family, am so sorry!

We have a new member UrbanJan who should pop in soon. She lives in the Norman area.

We are reeling from the sudden loss of a family member to what appears to be a massive heart attack. My son-in-law's father died Saturday in his home when he went home for lunch and to take a short nap before returning to office to work. The neighbor saw the car in the driveway Sunday morning and knew it was normally in the garage at that time. Thinking it suspicious, he called the sheriff to investigate. The children are devastated at the early loss of their father. His wife was in Texas and in shock at the news so one of the sons went down to bring her home. Jerry was 66 and preparing to retire from his accounting business after this tax season. A close knit family, they are desperately trying to deal with their loss. Please keep this precious family in your prayers.
In times like these, I certainly will.
@nanakat you and your family have my deepest condolences and prayers.

I was going to come on and come on about Christmas in April, but instead I will say that I received your lovely gift today, and your family will be in my thoughts as I plant these beautiful flowers. My mother is aging and won't be with me much longer, and I know these, along with those I received from Kass, will be a source of joy for her. Thank you.
P.O.O.P.S 2014
Want/Bring List
Here is the Want/Bring list for what people are looking for and/or bringing to POOPS this year… I have a few things I need from everyone to make this list work.. First if you have something you want or are bringing to add to the list please send me a PM. If you post it on either thread I may miss it especially as we get closer to the BIG day because… well we are all a talkative group… J Please keep the wants and brings to chicken, farm and maybe craft items (preferable with a chicken/farm theme) unless you want to bring me a million dollars then I am totally cool with that… hehehe! If someone has something they are bringing feel free to contact them about before-hand, but if you all make an agreement let me know if I need to take it off the list. Just keep me in the loop about any changes. I will try to keep this updated on both the Okie thread and the POOPS thread everyday but as things are going to start getting hectic I will not guarantee that is going to happen. Please be patient my life is getting ready to get all kinds of crazy.

Muesky – Kittens, possibly turkey eggs, pickled eggs, possibly some feeders and waterers

Muesky - LF cochins (blue, black, splash and/or white), pretty pullets or laying hens
This is 2 Feathers. She has been brooding since February, so finally, I tossed two freshly laid Buff Orpington Bantam eggs under her. They are running with a true White Jap Blacktail Roo. She'd set awhile, and rove around, then go back. Her last adventure was two days before the Big 'D' Day 21. I felt of the eggs, and they were cold. I was tempted to throw the eggs away. The following night I went out, and felt under her. All was the same, and repeated that again the next night. I found one cracked shell. In the morning I opened her box, and she began to cluck-cluck. I knew we had something, then out steps this little blacky thing. How did that happen?
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