***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Buying chicks is addicting!!!!

I gave a kid chicken and goose eggs to put in his incubator. I might be getting 3 chicks from that hatch. If my ladies have a good hatch I'm going to give a family friend a dozen chicks.
Quote: i have the little one still in the brooder, there is one more i hope will hatch, if not i will see if one of the others will raise him, am afraid of giving him to amber, as one of the jg chicks might step on him. How much is he selling those smaller pens for?? i could sure use something like that for silkies, or for sure Sonny and the girls, they need a bigger area BAD.

Coral Wonderful work by your students!

Stay safe with the weather tonite everyone!
I have 3 of the 7 rows completed for my newest fusion quilt Both sides are from byc swaps, the blue and yellow fabric stars and the center flower crocheted squares. The flower side has two special squares, an awareness ribbon in my MIL ca colors, and a broken heart in the alzhiemers colors for my gma.
So beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished quilt! I'm an avid knitter and crocheting has been on my learn to do list for MANY years! Truly lovely!
Check out the dark brown egg in the center.
I'll look for it. Is it mostly chicken related? I sure hope so! I was on ravelry recently looking for a silkie pattern but no go
not that I have much time knit now anyway!
If you mouse over the forums, then miscellaneous, then click on hobbies, it should be towards the top of the list.
I found a local woman with lemon cuckoo orpington eggs, $25/dozen. She's sending me pics tomorrow, if anybody around Tulsa is interested.
OMG!! That is a good price on lemon cuckoo orpington eggs!! They are really pretty birds!

Had an interesting day at volunteer, today! We were showing at a location where there weren't many food options nearby, which meant crossing three highways in order to get to the Quicktrip. I love walking the streets, it's fascinating, to me. (Don't mind my serious issues!
) Anyways, I pressed the button and waited for the "walk" signal. As soon as I stepped off the curb, someone ran a red light, came flying around the corner, cutting it real close, and nearly rammed me. Needless to say, I had quite the fright. The guy I was walking with actually grabbed my backpack and yanked me back. We both started laughing.

I was protected by The Lord.
Glad you are safe!! People are not always mindful of their surroundings, that is why we must be..

we have a sticky baby serama...LOL!

That is stinkin cute!!!

Newbie here. Not just new to the site, but new to raising fowl, AND new to Oklahoma. Another friend refers to me as an "Oklahoma Improved Californian".

Anyway, we are in Sequoyah County, in the country, near the Tenkiller Golf course. We just got our first ever chickens, this week (16 chicks of various breeds). Lost an Australorp chick this morning, but the other 15 are doing well, as are the two bronze broadbreasted turkeys, we got.
I need to build a bigger brooder, for these little folks, in the next few days, and I am getting started on rebuilding a collapsed coop (tree fell on it). But, for now, our one big coop should be good for our flock, for the time being.
, Oklahoma and your new addiction!! Hehehe!

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