***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just got 2 pair of silkies. One pair is white and the other is white and red as seller called him. I actually think he is partridge. I will post pics in the morning. My question is, can a walnut comb be too big? It seems really big to me but these are my first silkies.

Thanks in advance
Do you have any Brown Red? My cock was dead in his cage this morning. I had treated him for mites two weeks ago and he was looking less anemic this past week. There are some little Brown Red pullets in the ones I got from you earlier this summer but no cockerels.
OE Rosecomb? I should have both
Kyzmette...glad to help.

Taking a break... need to move a trailer to the 160 in Prague so we can move cattle home tomorrow. Need to wean some calves.
Worked on crate coops this morning. Having the pieces cut and ready made putting the second one together go faster. Took me 45 minutes to put it together cause I had not cut the hardware screens yet. These two have the screens. now..
The two smaller ones are in the barn and pieces are ready.
will buy hinges while we are out today.
Will need Roger to cut out the holes for the doors and nest boxes with the skil saw...shoulder won't let met hold it safely.
I use roll roofing for the roofs. Need to get a roll since I'm down to a 2 foot piece.

So impressed! Those are awesome!!
I had four full size chickens and two Silkies living well in my coop. One Silkie (my alpha girl) went broody and I tried to hatch some chicks for a friend. The day of hatching, one of my birds (#2 in the pecking order) stole the hatchling and ate it. I got rid of the girl that was the ringleader (who was also eating eggs) immediately. I got an 8 week old sexlink and a 1 1/2 week old chick. I put the chick under the Silkie and they bonded. The chick got out into the coop and my remaining chickens took her and almost killed her. She and the Silkie are in a dog crate in my kitchen and doing well.

I have had the sex-link in a separate cage/run for two weeks. I put the full size girl who is lowest in the pecking order in with the sex-link to "make friends" so I could add the new girl to the flock with an advocate. Unfortunately, my full size girl is really terrorizing my sex-link. Every time she gets near her, the full size girl attacks and the young bird is literally terrified. As for as I can see, there has been no blood, no permanent damage, nothing but charging, pecking, and being mean.

Do I just let them work it out? Do I remove the older chicken to protect the younger one and try again when she is older and more compatible in size? Do I wait until my baby (4 weeks now and still recovering) is old enough - and healed enough - to be put with the sex-link and introduce them together?

This chicken thing is SO much harder than I expected!! :0/
My daughter really wants a black or blue silky. Her uncle wants to get some for her for her birthday but is having a hard time finding any. We are in Stroud. Can anyone help or have any suggestions or ideas?
Kyzmette...glad to help.

Taking a break... need to move a trailer to the 160 in Prague so we can move cattle home tomorrow. Need to wean some calves.
Worked on crate coops this morning. Having the pieces cut and ready made putting the second one together go faster. Took me 45 minutes to put it together cause I had not cut the hardware screens yet. These two have the screens. now..
The two smaller ones are in the barn and pieces are ready.
will buy hinges while we are out today.
Will need Roger to cut out the holes for the doors and nest boxes with the skil saw...shoulder won't let met hold it safely.
I use roll roofing for the roofs. Need to get a roll since I'm down to a 2 foot piece.
Those are awesome
My daughter really wants a black or blue silky. Her uncle wants to get some for her for her birthday but is having a hard time finding any. We are in Stroud. Can anyone help or have any suggestions or ideas?
so does mine i'm going to look for one a the shawnee show if we get to go.
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@greenbeetle Did you ever find nest boxes? I have a 6 hole metal nest box, barely used, that I'd trade for if you have hatching eggs or chicks and are NPIP certified. I guess I could also just sell it to you!

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