***OKIES in the BYC III ***

X2 I think you're right on the gender this time Kelly.
The standard is the same for nonbearded silkie (other than no beard)  Th patridge loks like a blue partrige silkie mixed with something else.  I've never seen a silkie with no foot and leg feathers, and you're right, the comb is too big and not the normal shape for a silkie.  His crest and overal body type are prettood, though.  The whies loo like pet qualiy, hatchery birds.

I agree but glad to hear from an expert

@miohippus looks like 2 pullets to me! I love that first one! :) My EE has the same comb, I wonder if they will throw colored eggs?
All of y'all are a wealth of information.
I'm just enjoying reading and finding out about the goings-on in Oklahoma. However, we (My family and friends.) did go to the Tulsa State Fair this weekend and took a look at the poultry show. I showed sheep in high school, but now I'm thinking about getting involved in showing poultry. It looks like fun!

Showing is a wonderful hobby and great way to spend some time with like minded individuals. If you decide to get involved I would strongly suggest attending several shows, looking the breeds over and choosing one carefully after discussing with some of the breeders. They are often very open and willing to help get someone started on the right foot.
Just understand what you are buying when you get them, it is quite common in most breeds to breed heavily for males or females from a mating as some colors are easier to achieve this way. Consider this when making a purchase and understand the breeders are seldom show birds and show birds are seldom breeders.
There is a show in Norman Oct 4th, Newcastle Oct 18 you may find some there as well. Check with BetsyOK she may have a few too.
I didn't know about that one but did know there is a table top serama show in stillwater that day. Is the one in norman just for silkies?
Where's the Norman show? I don't see it on the Cleveland County calendar but I really want to go!

I believe it's at the Cleveland County fairgrounds. I hope to go...depends a lot on Ally's soccer schedule. Maybe I'll see you there! Anyone else?

I bought a bag of scratch today, thinking is try to ferment it. I've been fermenting a wheat/rye mix as a morning treat. Anyway, it looks to have milo in it, which I've heard can be toxic if soaked, but I don't know about fermenting it. Anyone hear of that or have experience with fermented scratch?
well, i ferment crumble and scratch, no one has died of it, but don't start it with acv added, i found out the hard way it will cause it to ferment aka alcoholic- i dumped it out and started fresh

and for your laugh for tonite- Spit has gone broody after laying for a week....


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