***OKIES in the BYC III ***

54 acres in Tulsa!!! My sounds like a great location. I would start w/ the crow collar early, I tried putting one on my grown roos and they laid down like the were dead and wouldn't get up. I tried it several times w/ the same results. Mine are NN so that might make it a little different since they have little to no feathers under and around the collar.

The eating boys you may find you need to process ealier then you would like to keep crowing down. Some crow pretty young.

WOAH, sorry .54 as in, slightly larger than half an acre.
Hello, my name is Adam I'm in Ardmore (OK), joined about a month ago and I'm trying to find the best Okie thread. Hope this is it. Thanks and have a great weekend!
and the Okie thread. I think there are only two active Okie threads right now this one and the Tulsa area Okie thread.
Hello, my name is Adam I'm in Ardmore (OK), joined about a month ago and I'm trying to find the best Okie thread. Hope this is it. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Quote: And you have indeed found the best Okie thread

Do the collars really work though?

I was talking to a neighbor and mentioned I am going to get a few hens and wished the city allowed a rooster, they said that no one has ever said anything to the couple of other people that live in the same block that have them so thinking I may have to see if I can get away with it :)
Welcome fellow newbies!

I expect the collars depend on the individual bird.
Noone's apparently complained about the neighbor's from a block away. Talked to him. His neighbor also :flsays it didn't bother them as much as a dog "that" way.
Most reports that I hear say it does work, the only thing I hear negatively is that if you have multiple roos it can make them more aggressive to each other b/c the hackle feathers are disrupted over the collar making it look like the roo is puffing his hackles and challenging the other roos.
Does anyone have young chicks available in the Tulsa area? Or know if atwoods still has them? I'm trying to get my broody hens off the nest. (My rooster is about 10% effective right now, so no chance of hatching our eggs.)
Does anyone have young chicks available in the Tulsa area? Or know if atwoods still has them? I'm trying to get my broody hens off the nest. (My rooster is about 10% effective right now, so no chance of hatching our eggs.)

Atwoods in Shawnee still has them so you can give them a try.
Hi Betsy! My hubby is there pretty often but Char, Lukas and I are down in Texas. Char is doing great. She is about my height now and 14 years old. How have you been doing? Does your hubby still do the TV thing. I have one he can have if so.

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