***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hey guys! I'm looking for a couple pullets. Looking for 4 months to a year old. I gave my husbands grandmother some of my laying hens to get her flock started and now I need a couple to replace them. I will be very cautious as I have bought chickens before both privately and at auction that were very sick. So I'm asking you guys first since I would be comfortable buying from the majority here and in hopes that even if you don't have some maybe you know someone that does :). Thanks!
My girl and heifer at 'calf' camp.
Nanakat - sorry for your experiences.
What are your general thoughts regarding Pembroke Corgi's and chickens? There is a very sweet young female that needs a new home. I am so enamoured that I have convinced myself that there would be some hope of integrating her into my established 'pack' of two older female dogs.

Other photos, Billie the Cowgirl grooming her mom.

Cheyenne and Wimberely, Wimberley LOVES her neck scratches!

Huge soft shelled turtle I helped across the highway.

Cool clouds from the storm. The bottom layer almost looked 'seafoam' green.
@NanaKat I'm so sorry you got burned selling shipped eggs. I can understand not wanting to go that route.

Arlos birthday is coming up and I'm so excited to be getting him some NNs from Kassaundra. He's turning 9 and the only thing on his list is a coop and chicks. (I am getting him a new bike too ;)) Unfortunately our dog and illness finished off the ones we were planning to move with us to town. We've been chicken free for months :( Im pretty excited and he is going to be the happiest kid ever. He's been trying to hand feed the wild birds here and they aren't having it! He needs sweet chicks to spoil!
My girl and heifer at 'calf' camp.
Nanakat - sorry for your experiences.
What are your general thoughts regarding Pembroke Corgi's and chickens? There is a very sweet young female that needs a new home. I am so enamoured that I have convinced myself that there would be some hope of integrating her into my established 'pack' of two older female dogs.

I have a corgi x heeler that won't look twice at a chicken (even if his naughty heeler sister is trying to herd them) I'm not sure it's entirely typical but he was the easiest dog to train I've ever had, he hates being in trouble. I think cattle dogs are pretty smart and if you put the effort in you can train them to do about anything. I would guess how old the new dog is and how much herding drive she has will be a big factor in her chicken acceptance.
I have been re-thinking what I am doing with my flock, and decided to concentrate my breeding on a few rarer breeds and some dual purpose breeds. Therefore, I'm going to be selling/trading off several of my other flocks. I thought I'd mention it here, in case anyone wants to do a little trading. Y'all have been so good to me, I just can't see myself selling to you, but if you have birds to trade, and are interested in what I am getting rid of, maybe we can work something out.

What I will be keeping for breeding or laying flock, so I am looking for more of these:
Blue Andalusians...............Breeding
Marraduna Basques...........Breeding
Speckled Sussex................Breeding-Dual purpose
Black Australorp.................Breeding-Dual purpose
RIR.....................................Breeding-Dual purpose
Red Sex Links....................Egg Production
Black Sex Links..................Egg Production
Dark Cornish......................Meat

What I have to trade
Golden Lakenvelders.............1 rooster, 3 hens, several juveniles, mostly pullets
Cuckoo Marans......................1 rooster, 5 hens, several pullets, 2 juvenile cockerels
Delawares...............................6 laying hens 11-12 months old
Barnevelders..........................2 laying hens, 16-18 months old, not laying very dark eggs, but should have the gene for it.
Black Jersey Giants................1 rooster, 5 hens 10 months old

I also desperately need guineas, and could use a few Narragansett turkey poults, if someone would like to do some trading. I have an extra Speckled Sussex rooster, if someone might need one. He is very sweet, until he gets outside the coop, then he wants to fight the other two roosters from his own coop.
If anyone is interested in anything, please, let me know, in a PM, and we'll try to work something out.
My girl and heifer at 'calf' camp. What are your general thoughts regarding Pembroke Corgi's and chickens? There is a very sweet young female that needs a new home. I am so enamoured that I have convinced myself that there would be some hope of integrating her into my established 'pack' of two older female dogs. Cheyenne and Wimberely, Wimberley LOVES her neck scratches!
Love the photo of your daughter with her show calf! As for the Corgi, one of our members is in to Corgi rescue. Check with Shelbydog. She has had corgis for a long time and would be the best person to give advice on how they do with chickens.
We just love being retired!
Today at the ranch, we have two cows close to calving. They are later than last year, but are both great moms and the rains have provided wonderful pasture grass. We check the herds here at home twice a day. That way we catch issues quickly. Had to give shots for an injured foot yesterday. She is still limping a little but is putting weight on the foot.

There were no sand plums on either of our properties, but the DNA blackberries are going to be great. The blackberry bushes should be ready to pick July 4.

The chicks with the broody hens are growing more bold and inquisitive with each day. I found six of the four week old chicks out by the tractors behind the barn! Miranda has done a super job teaching them to hunt. They often leave her to go off on their own and are the first out at daybreak since they are still small enough to slip out between the gate and the gate post. She started with 24 and at last count, she is down to 18. Free ranging is both healthy for chicks, but hazardous. Roger saw a chicken hawk yesterday.
For some reason this year, Mandy didn't take her 16 chicks out of the brooder room until last week. At 6 weeks of age, they are not as eager to explore.
Mildred has been taking her two week old chicks outside since they were 8 days old. They still just explore the run behind the barn. She hasn't taken them to the big outside yet. She has 20.
I put the Black Wyandotte down on the brooder room floor with her week old chicks (22) this morning. She has commandeered the corner under the nest boxes. So I set her feeder and waterer close by. She was already teaching the chicks to dust bathe in the river sand.
When I open the juvenile pen in the morning, they run to the barn for corn chops and then free range in the lot and around the house until it gets hot. Then they find shade until late afternoon. Anytime I go out with a bucket of weeds or garden trimmings, I'm assaulted by the juvenile herd.
The chicks in the Wyandotte pen are now just 4 days old and are following their three moms around. Each hen calls and the chicks run to each...they are getting great exercise.
The Delaware Bantam hen still takes her chicks into the plastic barn mailbox each evening. Her 4 chicks are so tiny. The rooster in the pen is helping feed them. He calls them to the feeder and the water container.
The other Bantam moms will go down on the floor with their chicks when the babies are a week old. That should be interesting to see how quickly they try to go outside.

We worked in the garden this morning putting compost in some of the beds as mulch. We got four done before it got too hot. I also tied up the tomatoes again and pulled the pea vines for the cows.

Moved 20 eggs to the hatcher last night. One egg has already pipped!
My neighbor, Jack, has some nice plum trees in his back yard where his largest chicken yard is. They are not sand plums. They are sweet, pink/purple in color and the trees have dark burgundy leaves. Last year there was abundant fruit but this year the rains knocked out most of the plums.

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