***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Thanks! And good luck with the new layers! My Cornish Cross hens should start laying soon too!

I'm wanting to use the cross girls to add size to my nakeds, hopefully I can make a line of nakeds that get table size in a relatively short time (12 - 16 weeks is my goal)
How did you get them to be featherless?!?

There is a natural, but rare gene called scaleless (they don't have scales or feather follicles) I was able to get a few hatching eggs several years ago from a flock that carried this gene. The naked ones have a double hit of the gene.
The cross girls look great! I'm happy to hear that they have not conked out on your. Activity and reduced feed looks like the answer to their otherwise fatal fast-growing genetic makeup.

This is actually an older pic of the cross girls, they are quite a bit bigger now, but very active. Perching, flying up a couple of feet high, walking, scratching, hunting for food.
There is a natural, but rare gene called scaleless (they don't have scales or feather follicles) I was able to get a few hatching eggs several years ago from a flock that carried this gene.  The naked ones have a double hit  of the gene.

Oh, OK... What a weird gene. Sounds more like a genetic mutation than anything useful (though I suppose it means no plucking :p )

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