***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Lol not my little Japanese bantams, they only came off there roost to checkout the new member of the flock! She made her self at home checked out the nest boxes scratched around went out there little chicken door into the open pen and came back in Lol she's adjusting just fine Lol thank you@Fallenone05
Lol not my little Japanese bantams, they only came off there roost to checkout the new member of the flock! She made her self at home checked out the nest boxes scratched around went out there little chicken door into the open pen and came back in Lol she's adjusting just fine Lol thank you@Fallenone05

Those are some smart bannies!
I'm glad she's doing good! I'm actually curious about what her and the banty will make to be honest. You're very welcome!!
Haven't been on here since the Shawnee show. Have a respiratory infection, I'm sure from all the dust in the sales area. Kathryn, so sorry to read of your loss. We just aren't ever really ready to let them go.

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