***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Silkies @ 32 days

I'm having incubator issues. set my chicken eggs in my little giant , 9300 still air incubator, on the 3 of February and hatch day was supposed to be the 24st, i took automatic turner out 3 days b4 hatch day just like the directions said, my temp stayed at 98 an my humidity wouldn't stay past 60. I'm using a still air, and it has holes in the bottom but do i need to plug them up? all my water runs out when i add water, i left the eggs till today cause they were stinking. so i opened them an one was rotten, and the other two had chicks in them but I'm i think had died on the 18th day:(. should i plug the holes? should i place a hand held little fan inside? please some one help me:(

Jarrod your temp shouldnt be below 99.5 , a old cpu tower fan would do you wonders and turn your still air incubator into a forced air . Which will even the temp out in the incubator then the humidity wouldnt have to be as high . my humidity is set at 53% . however if you are wanting to increase your humidity you can cover the holes with tape or i would advise to add a sponse to your water reservoir before plugging holes. to low of a temp kills embryos , to low humidity they get shrink wrapped in the egg , to high they drowned in the egg .
Got 106 grow outs moved outside the other day wouldnt you know it the day it stormed . But so far so good no casualties.

MJ - do you know if anyone still has contact with AL or anyone with some of his cornish stock ?
I miss Rudy!

moved chicks to the brooder and set another tray of eggs.
will moved a set to the hatcher this evening after I sanitize it from this last hatch.

We sure enjoyed the rain this week....the ponds got some much needed run-off.

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