***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Vaseline is an oil based application but it locks in moisture. It often makes frostbite worse.
I apply a little to the combs using a soft cloth then I rub it in. This way it cleans and softens the surface and the rubbing invigorates the blood flow in the comb.
Wyandotte do not have a large standup comb. Instead the rose comb lies close to the contour of the head.
This temp has got to suck even for chickens. We cleared a bunch of ground in front of the coop yesterday so they would have some room to sun on dry ground. We brought three single combed roosters in last night. One had some damage and two bantams were too pretty to let their combs and wattles get frost bitten. Even with the coop wrapped in reflective barrier and with a heat lamp it is still really cold in there when its -10 outside. Its rare to get this low here, but I may upgrade the new coop and the old one to better handle subzero temps. Either that or just put then all in the greenhouse with a heater on 😁

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