***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Announced this morning, a poultry flock in Sequoyah County. All poultry shows, sales and swaps are banned.

Glad I didn’t have anything on order. If any of you have birds on order contact the hatchery and they should either give you a refund or credit for future orders. Please do not buy any birds or eggs for hatching off of any internet outlets either. Nothing in, nothing out (unless between two slices of bread) and this can be held in check until the hot, dry, Oklahoma Summer kicks in.
Teva used to work on a hog farm years ago and it was a shower in/shower out type of operation for bio-security reasons. Lunchtime one day in the break room there was a big boar Raccoon going through the cabinets and making a mess. Slightly larger then a dropping or rodent.
It doesn’t suprise me that the first flock infected was a commercial operation. I do feel for those in charge of the farm. Most are like franchise operations. Buy all the stuff from the parent company and run it as your farm. Hard to lose a crop like that.
Glad I didn’t have anything on order. If any of you have birds on order contact the hatchery and they should either give you a refund or credit for future orders. Please do not buy any birds or eggs for hatching off of any internet outlets either. Nothing in, nothing out (unless between two slices of bread) and this can be held in check until the hot, dry, Oklahoma Summer kicks in.
Teva used to work on a hog farm years ago and it was a shower in/shower out type of operation for bio-security reasons. Lunchtime one day in the break room there was a big boar Raccoon going through the cabinets and making a mess. Slightly larger then a dropping or rodent.
It doesn’t suprise me that the first flock infected was a commercial operation. I do feel for those in charge of the farm. Most are like franchise operations. Buy all the stuff from the parent company and run it as your farm. Hard to lose a crop like that.

Tons and Tons of waterfowl migrate thru Sequoyah county due to Kerr reservoir and the Arkansas river basin. Hope those of us to the West in drier counties will escape this mess..
I seen nothing that would prevent the shipping of chicks into the state unless I missed it somewhere. All I seen was no public sales.

This is something that has to run it's course like a lot of other things.
Not sure if this is much help :

Beginning May 1, 2022, all poultry exhibition, public sales and swap meets are banned in the state of Oklahoma until further notice in order to halt any potential spread of this virus. The ban is set to end on July 30th, unless evidence shows it should be extended.

Sherrie Davis <[email protected]>​

Mon, Apr 25, 3:40 PM (6 days ago)
to Sherrie

PLEASE, PLEASE, due to the HPAI situation in the United States, many states are changing their import requirements. There is no way for me to keep track of every state’s import requirements. Do NOT trust the state of destination’s website, as they may not be up to date. Make a phone call to every state of destination for your hatching eggs and live birds prior to sending. It is your responsibly as a NPIP Flock owner to check import requirements prior to sending any poultry or poultry products out of state. I’ve attached a list of contact numbers that I have found for all states. Not sure how up to date it is, but it’s the most recent I have, hope this helps. Remember, this will pertain to any one that may also come to your property here in Oklahoma and then take those birds or hatching eggs out of state. They still are coming from your NPIP flock and crossing the state line.
Clear as mud. When dealing with government types two people will give three different answers.

I'm so far away from Sequoyah county I would have to look to see where it is. I don't feel much threat from it at this time.
Clear as mud. When dealing with government types two people will give three different answers.

I'm so far away from Sequoyah county I would have to look to see where it is. I don't feel much threat from it at this time.
As am I, heard a flock of geese going over about 7 this morning. I am off the major flyway but one can always have birds not follow the norm.
30 or more years ago waterfowl overwintering in Ok. was a very rare sight, not anymore. In fact we are getting a pretty good sized resident population here in the state.
I do not expect anything to happen but I am taking precautions, kinda like suspenders and a belt.
I will try and get clarification in the morning on hatchery sales to the state.
Wel here, its about precautions. No visitors near your chickens.
Cover runs with tarps, enclosed fencing with bird net, get a bottle of oxine or lysol to spray shoes and tires. Similar to what they do in the UK. No new birds in. Biosecurity, if you watch webinars on what we are dealing with it helps. This is the European strain they've been battling 2 years. Studies show extended 95 degree dry heat kills it, 3 months of it. I don't think our summers will kill it. We could move to Arizona or New Mexico :)

There is going to be an oklahoma webinar on this.

We invite Oklahomans to join us tomorrow, Monday May 2nd at 3:00 p.m. CST for a Zoom meeting regarding the recent Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza case.

State Veterinarians will be on the call covering the current situation, our path forward to protect Oklahoma's poultry herd health, and to answer any questions the public might have about HPAI.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 2836 8603
Passcode: HPAI

To read more about the HPAI positive, read the press release announcement here: https://bit.ly/3F5mFUO
Ok I asked about selling/ buying new birds and Sherrie Davis sent me this reply.

An individual can still buy or sell new birds or hatching eggs as a private treaty sale, but we strongly advise anyone to do so with great caution. When buying a bird the purchaser should confirm with the seller that they have been implementing biosecurity protocol and that the flock has been healthy. Isolate new birds from your other birds for at least 30 days. To prevent disease, it is best not to mix young and old birds or birds from different species or different sources.

For NPIP Flock Owners, regarding anything shipping out of state, make sure you call the state of destination prior to shipping. There is a good chance since we have a confirmed positive that they will have restrictions on receiving poultry or hatching eggs from Oklahoma until we no longer have any confirmed cases.

The purpose of this ban is to allow the Oklahoma department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry time to access the scope and range of HPAI in Oklahoma as halt any potential spread. It is essential to stop the commingling of poultry species while HPAI is circulating in both wild birds and domestic poultry species.

All testing for NPIP has been halted and if a flock is due testing their certifications will remain good until the testing ban is lifted. Reason is that a tester could accidently help to spread AI with coming in contact with a bird not yet showing symptoms.

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