***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I know the owl is a predator to my birds, but you tell my girls we should just let the owl hang & die on the fence.

It didn't look to tore up @ first. I just dropped the owl off & the drive into town allowed it to get rested enough to want to bite & flap it's wings. The lady had its feet & it was sitting upright & began flapping (gracefully, not like a mad rooster). You could see the skin under the rib cage was torn & a raw spot under the wing. I still don't understand how it was stuck but when the barb wire caught its underside it twisted its self around the wire several times. We had to cut the fence to get it loose then got the wire off. I am sure the owl will be getting a few stitches. They said it was a baby horned owl-- but that baby was big. Wing span at least 5ft. Don't think I could have gotten it loose on my own. Taron held it in a towel while I held its feet & Alexis cut the fence. Hopefully he pulls through.

actually what better lesson for the girls? that even predators deserve compassion when they have not harmed your livestock?? i am glad you were given that chance...
I know the owl is a predator to my birds, but you tell my girls we should just let the owl hang & die on the fence.
It didn't look to tore up @ first. I just dropped the owl off & the drive into town allowed it to get rested enough to want to bite & flap it's wings. The lady had its feet & it was sitting upright & began flapping (gracefully, not like a mad rooster). You could see the skin under the rib cage was torn & a raw spot under the wing. I still don't understand how it was stuck but when the barb wire caught its underside it twisted its self around the wire several times. We had to cut the fence to get it loose then got the wire off. I am sure the owl will be getting a few stitches. They said it was a baby horned owl-- but that baby was big. Wing span at least 5ft. Don't think I could have gotten it loose on my own. Taron held it in a towel while I held its feet & Alexis cut the fence. Hopefully he pulls through.
I'm so glad. I've always had a soft spot for owls and bats. I didn't know owls kill chickens. Although I do believe more of us lose birds & livestock to our neighbors dogs (or our own dogs) that we do to owls and hawks both.
This guy has been hanging upside down on my fence for at least 2 hours. I haven't touched him, I don't think he is caught since he flaps a little. I did pen up all but one dog so they wouldn't be checking on the poor owl. Thought about putting a blanket over him & just seeing if he is stuck. I just don't want to get beat up by an owl so early in the day. I have to run to DD awards, if he is still there when she gets back I know my hand will be forced to remove it off the fence, but then what? it will need a place to rest, I so hope it is gone by the time I get back!

Took us about 30 min. Got the owl free. Packing up paint supplies that DH needs & heading to Lawton with the owl. A part of his underside was wrapped around the barb on the fence. His nose is pretty scrapped up but if the shock of hanging upside down wasn't too much I think he will be fine.
Here is a pic w my phone.

Glad to see the progression of events for the owl. While a beautiful bird in flight, owls are master preditors. One of our neighbors lost every one of his chickens to a horned owl. It would lite atop his outside light about twice a week and swoop down for a quick meal. Unlike a stray dog, you aren't allowed to shoot an owl. You must trap it and the Wildlife folks will relocate it. hmm.

Originally Posted by old*cowboy

Mary, Mary quit contrary, how does your garden grow. Well I cant vouch for Mary but Guy, Molly and Lola's is growing pretty dang good.

Big garden! and good use of soaker hoses.
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So glad you rescued the owl. I feels ure they do much more good than harm, and it is good to make your housing for your animals as safe as you can. Bats are also very beneficial, and interesting, animals.

Trish, your silkie boy's father is a lavender (self blue) and his mother is a buff. He is from one side of my porcelain project (and by the way, is one I should have kept). Some are calling his color "Frost." But, of course, he would be an AOV possibly called "Frost." I have another almost as pretty as he, but I'm glad you have him as I know your family will appreciate him.
I have owls and hawks both in my woods here at different times of the year I've found two owls dead in my pond over the years I'm guessing they were after something and didn't see the water till it was too late, I imagine that's how this owl got caught, swooping for something and not seeing the wire. As far as I know I've never lost a bird to either one of these hunters here but the dogs in the area have had the greatest impact on my birds, My next door neighbor's great dane got ahold of my big gander and injured it's wing on the end, Goosey has taken full advantage of it being hurt and has taken his woman away from him, He is going to be just fine no broken bones just skinned the end section of his left wing, Not sure how to help him till he stays away from Goosey long enough to keep from getting whuped on. I am not a fan of great danes any more I used to think they were smarter than a lot of dogs till I met this one next door attacking my goose isn't the only reason I don't like this dog, I try to work in my yard and the dog won't stop barking at me if I'm out there for 10 hours the blasted thing is still barking, When I've had all I can take I get the gun and fire a shot (not at the dog) and the sound makes it stop for a while (although I really want too) Anyway I'm getting some more Buff O pullets from a friend that is losing them to a hawk that has killed several already, I thought it was allowed to kill them to protect your livestock?
I know the owl is a predator to my birds, but you tell my girls we should just let the owl hang & die on the fence.
It didn't look to tore up @ first. I just dropped the owl off & the drive into town allowed it to get rested enough to want to bite & flap it's wings. The lady had its feet & it was sitting upright & began flapping (gracefully, not like a mad rooster). You could see the skin under the rib cage was torn & a raw spot under the wing. I still don't understand how it was stuck but when the barb wire caught its underside it twisted its self around the wire several times. We had to cut the fence to get it loose then got the wire off. I am sure the owl will be getting a few stitches. They said it was a baby horned owl-- but that baby was big. Wing span at least 5ft. Don't think I could have gotten it loose on my own. Taron held it in a towel while I held its feet & Alexis cut the fence. Hopefully he pulls through.

I hope he makes it too - I'm glad you got him off the fence - you did good!
For the ones that wanted to know when Blanchard, Newcastle and Tuttle were having the big garage sale weekend, it is this weekend. Many have already started. Saturday is the last day.
hey Bill, i suspect the gander you are getting from us may make that dog change his tune- he will go after dogs- maybe thats a good thing?

been busy trying to figure a way to get the broodies out of the big coop before next week- do broodies need to be serarated? i have 3 ee's and my glw jewel, should see the babies hatching starting monday-
hey Bill, i suspect the gander you are getting from us may make that dog change his tune- he will go after dogs- maybe thats a good thing?

been busy trying to figure a way to get the broodies out of the big coop before next week- do broodies need to be serarated? i have 3 ee's and my glw jewel, should see the babies hatching starting monday-
That might not be a good thing, that's why my neighbor said the dog attacked it cause the Gander started it, I'm sure glad Princess isn't like that she gets chased all the time by the geese LOL

I have two broodies that share chicks I don't even think the babies know which one they are with if one clucks all go running to her they do just fine sharing the little ones esp at night keeping them warm it's another case of two hens (or heads) being better than one :)

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