***OKIES in the BYC III ***


Hope everyone is haveing a great time with friends and family
celebrating those who have gone before us. This Monday used
to be called Decoration Day when family decorated the gravesites
of their loved ones. I have many memories of going to the family
plots with my Mom and great aunt placing flowers and sharing
memories of my great grandparents and ancestors.
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I will bring plenty, and only the root sections I think it will be too late in the year to get the offshoots (suckers) to grow that are coming off the old canes.

I would like some more too, Bill - I have had a couple from the suckers that finally sprouted from the cane, but maybe the root sections will take better - that variegated cane is so pretty - would be a good green wall where I am planting it!
Afternoon, Okies,

I just returned from the NUC pickup yard, which turned out to be an empty field in the Catoosa area. I mixed the bees a nice drink and let them glom onto my veil for a few minutes. Apparently I smell like "friend" or at least "benign entity," so they went back to exploring the hive body. It must have been uncomfortable to be locked in and then bounced around during the drive home.

I decided to save the sunflower design for my next hive. DH is concerned about me keeping bees and will not be mowing anywhere near the hive. I've done my best to explain that they won't "attack" the mower or its driver, but he's not convinced. I painted this first hive to match the house, neutral and friendly colors, so as not to draw attention to the fact that the bees are in residence. Maybe next year, when they are established and we've not had any negative bee encounters, DH will see more benefit to keeping these beautiful, beautiful bees.

Our white rock rooster has decided the juvenile tractor run needs to be guarded. He's been sitting out there all day, making sure the little delinquents don't get out. Too bad I can't train the rooster to keep the kittens out of my flower beds.

I had 17 black copper marans hatch yesterday but I had 9 wyndott eggs in there as well and not 1 hatched I wonder why. I set them at the same time in the same incubator. Mysterious .
Rosecombed breeds tend to be a little later to hatch, and much more sensitive to temp and humidity swings than single combed birds. Higher humidity at hatch for single combs is very common but will often drown the rosecombs. We raised Dottes for quite some time and always hatched at 40-45% with them.
good morning okies. Hope all is well with everyone. I got a little to busy yesterday and forgot to get to the feed store. Im wondering if there is anyone in the choctaw area that might have some feed i could buy. Just need some layer pellets or even just corn would be fine till monday. If you can help please call me @2036395 and i will come to you. Thanks guys.
Have you found feed yet?

So last night was a first for us. About 1 am this morning my DW tells me to come quick and bring the snake tongs....I'm guessing we're going to one of the coops....nope, we're headed to the front porch. Ok, country as it gets, we have metal water trough with a lid made from a wooden frame and poultry cloth on the front porch as a brooder....had over 60, 2 week old quail chicks....inside under the heat lamp coiled was a 4 1/2- 5 foot king snake! It had several lumps in it and one chick was dead by the feeder.

Needless to say...snake tongs to lift this
out of the brooder, carried him out to a safe location from the house and violently dispatched it with full wrath....Ok afterwards thought I should have taken a photo...but can promise there's not enough left to photo now!

We get snakes around the houses and runs, normally copperheads...and even near our house. That's why we have the tongs, so can get a bugger out away from birds and buildings to dispatch it (shot holes in walls or birds doesn't set well) We have had one get tangled in deer netting and die...but this is the first we have ever had one actually get to birds...much less eat them! The kind of real disheartening thing was how large that bugger was. Our front porch is a very tall, very large, multilevel, elevated deck....didn't expect any critters up there...much less inside the covered brooder..today, it gets screened!

Limb lopers are my tool of choice...grab it and cut it to pieces.

Quote: Never thought about wind being an issue...learned something new! Last year..all my hens went in to molt at the same time...NO eggs fr 4 weeks!
Hubby's family used to use a dairy cow for fresh milk. If she ate garlic or onions, they could always taste it in the milk.

Quote: We have had a snake lurking around the run...haven't caught it yet, but have noticed a reduction in eggs that I attributed to a molt in progress.....

OK NanaKat as promised here is Silver Blue... You can imagine this color in either Dotte or Cochin This is what that beautifull boy is going to look like..
OOOOOOO.....I'm definitely setting up a breeding pen for you! Since he has cochin foot feathers...setting him up with the blue feather-footed F1 girls would be the best plan? Of course, none are old enough to lay, but no harm in getting them established as a flock...right.....since they don't count until they lay eggs.

I had 17 black copper marans hatch yesterday but I had 9 wyndott eggs in there as well and not 1 hatched I wonder why. I set them at the same time in the same incubator. Mysterious .
Elie Mea...were these the eggs from POOPS? Have you candled them and did you set them on the 5th or the 6th? If they are from my Wyandottes...we were getting about 1/2 rate on them.
The girls haven't been laying for the past two weeks...in molt. I'll need to pluck bumm feathers when they start laying to keep fertility levels higher.

I would like some more too, Bill - I have had a couple from the suckers that finally sprouted from the cane, but maybe the root sections will take better - that variegated cane is so pretty - would be a good green wall where I am planting it!
All of my root sections are putting up shoots. Realy pretty!

Earth quake at 5:13 pm....dogs came running to get under the desk.
We picked several gallons of sand plums today on the 160 acres in Prague and I have the ripest ones stewing on the stove for jely juice. Sures smells good.
Hung the renovated 10 hole nest box this morning. Sure looks good...will post a pic later. Right now it has bunch of 8 week and younger chicks using it for a jungle gym.
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Nanakat your chickens are molting???? I'm glad to hear that I thought I had lost my mind my eggs have dropped and I could have sworn several girls looked like they were molting, but not hedgehog"esque" like in the fall. But I didn't think they molted in the late spring/summer.
Mike Just left here, I sent him with a 5 gallon bucket of feed.

On the Silver Blue.... Now you know why I like them so much absolutely beautifull birds.. The Nice part is that male I pointed out with his sisters will produce both Wyandotte and Cochin in that color, as well as Birchen. 1 Pen 4 results Silver Blue, Birchen, Columbian, Blue Columbian and the best of all in two breeds... 4 results 2 breeds thats 8 birds from the one pen... I am looking forward to it, the more hens the better it will take some numbers to get them going right.
Nanakat your chickens are molting???? I'm glad to hear that I thought I had lost my mind my eggs have dropped and I could have sworn several girls looked like they were molting, but not hedgehog"esque" like in the fall. But I didn't think they molted in the late spring/summer.
Birds will always go through a spring molt and a fall molt, the spring molt is not as serious as not all feathers will be dropped.
Mike Just left here, I sent him with a 5 gallon bucket of feed.

On the Silver Blue.... Now you know why I like them so much absolutely beautifull birds.. The Nice part is that male I pointed out with his sisters will produce both Wyandotte and Cochin in that color, as well as Birchen. 1 Pen 4 results Silver Blue, Birchen, Columbian, Blue Columbian and the best of all in two breeds... 4 results 2 breeds thats 8 birds from the one pen... I am looking forward to it, the more hens the better it will take some numbers to get them going right.
Sooooo...can the sisters that are Cochin /CW crosses that look splash be used or just the solid blueCochin/CW girls and the Blue CW girls?. There are a bunch in the floor pen in the hen house that are 8 - 10 week olds. It will take them a while to get bigger.
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Treating chicks with ivermec for mites ?
I treat the big birds their 1/2 cc on their shoulders, should I treat the chicks on the skin or is it better to mix it in their water? If treating chicks, how much do I use?

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