***OKIES in the BYC III ***

sorry i meant no harm was asked if there was any info and posted what i had found. I have removed the details and left a post to state that it has been cleaned. Please for give me.
Oh no problem! I understand. We'd have your back, too, if you needed us to
Have to show you my cute mutts.

First of all, here's the Daddy.

And here's the Mommy.

Here's the buffish one.

And here's the black one.

Here's a comparison of their feathers. The buffish looks to be feathering out faster than the black. Is that a sex linked characteristic? These little ones were both hatched on Friday, so they're four days now.
Oh no problem! I understand. We'd have your back, too, if you needed us to
Yep, like say when little chicks just happen to appear under a hen......."nope don't know where those chickies came from" How are the little chickies anyhow?

Mitzi, wasn't it you using the woodchips in your pens? How is that working? We have tried pine shavings, straw and still having issues with muck when it rains, I don't like the runs to be all muddy if I can help it.
Quote: A Hearty second to Sooner's comment.
I couldn't make the event due to prior commitments but I was there in spirit for what that is worth.
I know Coral did all she could do and from what I have read, aside from a few glitches, the event went well.
I have helped organize five POOPS events. None have been easy. It is a very stressful thing to stick your neck out
with people depending on you and not know if everything will work out.
You learn from the experience, try to minimize the trouble areas and move on.
Good job Coral!

I third Sooner & Buckguy - Coral and everyone who helped with N.E.O.C.S. did a great job. I wish I could have stayed longer and I enjoyed seeing everyone!
Hot day for moving groups around but need to get the smaller ones into bigger areas and move more outside to enjoy all the sun and grass. Put the 4 month old Iowa Cochins (all pullets) out in the featherleg pen and moved the wyandotte crosses with clean legs in with the CWs. The moved the CWs that are too young to go in the CW pen into the feathr leg pen for a while.
Moved all the 5 month old into the baby room on the big floor and moved all the bantams into the floor pen in that same side of the hen house. Moved the 3 - 4 week olds into a cage 3 x as big as the one they were in and they were flipping out.
Put the Garret blue cochins into a floor pen in the hen house with a few CWs the same age. They were with some bigger birds and they needed a pen for their size. Three of those Cochins were twice as big so I left them where they were.

- I think those three Garrett Cochins are roos. One is blue and two are black Remember I promised to save you a roo when I bought the eggs.

Quote: Well said from both of you.

Mitzi, wasn't it you using the woodchips in your pens? How is that working? We have tried pine shavings, straw and still having issues with muck when it rains, I don't like the runs to be all muddy if I can help it.
I'm not Mitzi, but I don't use shavings or hay outside anymore for the same reason. I have gone to putting sand and running a drain trench. Keeps the pen from getting soggy and dries out pretty quick.
Ever get the feeling you are being watched????

I am trying to tame the young chickie doos from Sat. to not be afraid of us and am using little dubias. I hide the container from the big guys when I go out, and these teens highly suspect I'm up to something but can't "prove" it! lol

Coral, you see Ms. White she is starting to show a little red across her back, so I have finally given up all hope she is a girl and resigned myself to the fact that she insists on being a boy so we can make some arrangements for getting him back to you. Whenever is convenient, he is no trouble and there is space.

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