***OKIES in the BYC III ***

You can still sit w/ him in the mornings and discuss his handsomeness over a few dubias, I'm sure his male ego will eat that up! lol
Nope. I told him no more bugs until he envelopes his inner femininity once again

Happy Turkey Day! Safe travels and good food wishes to all! :)
You haven't had that baby yet????? Sorry, couldn't resist lol

Poco, do you caponize that old?? I think you're way better at it than the OSU vet lady. BOTH birds I took into her for surgery are now dead. Not good odds. 1 died during surgery and the leg surgery didn't work on the 2nd one and we had to put him down. She did manage to get him caponized but said it was touch and go for awhile because she couldn't get a hold of the testicle pieces.
Thanks for the wishful thinking ladies :) Still here. Woke up at 1:30 this morning thinking maybe we were making some progress, finally was able to fall back to sleep around 4:30 and now it's back to being all over the place. *sigh* looks like today will not be the day! Oh well, I'm about to head out for some good food!! Hope ya'll have a great holiday!
Poco, do you caponize that old?? I think you're way better at it than the OSU vet lady. BOTH birds I took into her for surgery are now dead. Not good odds. 1 died during surgery and the leg surgery didn't work on the 2nd one and we had to put him down. She did manage to get him caponized but said it was touch and go for awhile because she couldn't get a hold of the testicle pieces.
The birds destined for the table are caponized between six weeks and eight weeks. I have four that are permanent bug eaters that I caponized when they were about eight months old. I'd vacillated over keeping or eating them. I'm glad I kept them, because they do a great job keeping the bug population down. Now that they are neutered, they don't boss the cats and they dust bathe with the hens that are out to free-range. No fighting and not biting. It's nice to have some friendly roos that just want to hang around and chat. I did lose one last summer. One had shown heat stress symptoms before the surgery, and after the surgery, when I put the group in an outside pen, I didn't monitor closely enough and missed the early signs of heat stress in that bird. I brought him in, but I couldn't save him. Each bird is different, and each one teaches me something new. I'm sorry to hear the vet lady wasn't successful with your boys.
well, i put je n denagard, i can hear clicking when he breaths??
but the benefit is from working through the first pain and continueing, but don't know if it is true or a wives tale.
yep- i can feel the joints, but yesterday when i got up for the first time in a long time my hands weren't hurting- so its promising

Coral- thanks for the pics- those boys look like they are happy!

and love the gif!

ok, cooking potatoes call!
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Tracy, Dh saw the pic of the guineas and said, "What do you call a flock of guineas anyway?, an empty space?"

I can't tell you what I usually call this flock of guineas because I'd get another "warning" from one of the mods for bad language.
But it usually goes "Hey you *flock of guineas*! Quit chasing that chicken!" "Go to bed already you *flock of guineas*!" or "You *flock of guineas*! GET OUTTA MY FLOWERS! GO EAT TICKS!"
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Quote: that is my Lucky, had to help him hatch, and just couldn't get rid of him, so coral is 'fixing' him- this is his second visit... here is his little story- his egg got crushed, mama stepped on him, i helped him hatch, gave him beak to mouth resusitation and popped him in the bator- gorgeous boy!

joe is doing better today, put him on denagard, got safeguarded, bathed and powdered... breathing easier- eating... so hoping he will recouperate completely

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