Okies in the BYC The Original

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I guess my laptop picked today to die - just logged on on this old desktop for a second then I have to go back to work!

Congrats Al - very nice family - and you look good dressed up!

Monty I saw your "I have 4 speckled sussex" song...guess I'll have to activate that tracking device I planted in your cut thumb at POOPS...

I sure hope Luv's Lynn is okay - I can't stay on to find out...I'll check in with everyone tomorrow!
Ooooooh those are pretty!

Here's pic's of the BYC member's birds:


Wow what a find!! Glad you just happened by there!!

Nana thanks for letting me know. I have a broody, I will just let her sit the mutt eggs she is on. You were the only one close to me that had cochins.....thanks.

Henny it is so good to hear that things are finallly looking up and that you faith is renewed! God is soooooo good!
Monty - Stuff like that happenes "once in a great while".........
Several years ago, I decided I wanted to do the "greenhouse"
bit with the flowers and all. I had spotted an old nursery
operation that had been closed down for a few years and chased
down the owner. He was having a fit that the county was
still making him pay "commercial" property taxes on the land....
and told me that if I could put a crew together and tear the
greenhouses down and have a dozer level where they had been
so he could "claim" that it was farmland.....I could have all the
bows !!!!!!!!!

Gees, lots of work in the heat of the summer.....and more $'s
than I had ever intended to spend.....we tore down about
3/4 of the operation. Gees, was a mess....but through "word
of mouth" ....we even had a couple drive clear down here from
Ohio...... we sold enough of the bows to recoup what we had
spent for the dozer. Sold a mountain of plants for a couple
of years....then developed a major allergic reaction to the
commercial potting soil.........

Thus.....our birds are in 12 x 30 greenhouses.....but works like
a charm..........LOL Wish I had kept more of the bows........
or could figure out how to keep Pa-Pa and TJ from adding
any more..........

Have a good one !
Ok they kept him tonight to "keep an eye on him" He is in ICU. They are kinda worried about his finger. The swelling is worse up his arm and on his muscle it is starting to welp up. He told me after the Doc talked to him the 1st time Thanks for making me go.

I got all the birds put up tonight in the pitch black dark, with flash light in hand. Have the morning chores to do then back up to the hospital. If all goes well tonight they will move him to a room or let him go home tomorrow. We do have insurance so that is a

Talk about doctors being smarter than they use to be. The Ortho doc came in and looked me straight in the face and asked me, AFTER he looked at his finger, did he step over the snake or pick it up. Ummmmmmmmm yea he did and it flew up there and bit him.

Thanks all.
Luvs - did you take the snake in for a good ID and so they can get the correct anti-venom...or was it to late for the antivenom? We are prying for him. We had two folks get bit up here last year. Both came through with flying colors...so don't worry!

CleoChick - How close to Jet?

Okcarla - I might need some of those bantams when you start getting eggs or decide which you wanna keep...no I don't need anymore birds...unless of course you end with an extra pair or trio or somehting like that!

Al - Dang...I sure am glad there are folks like you that have girls. I would not have made it...I would have a spoiled princess that was horrible! And I would make her wear parkas!

Ronnie - I want those as well!!!
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