Okies in the BYC The Original

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It is a scorcher outside, unless I am standing still under the shade and watching the chickens. I don't seem to notice the temperature when I am doing that.

Sure am glad that I put dates on the eggs in the incubators. It helps me know which group of eggs I need to move when I hear cheeping from the hatched peeps that fell to the bottom of the bator.

I am moving hens with chicks around so I can move the guineas and turkeys in the brooder, to an outside pen. Time to get ready for the next round of keets and poults...the ones dated June 5
Carla and Beth, thanks I knew you two would have some good ideas.
Carla are you coming to the sale tomorrow, Chubbs?
Don said good thing you getting more turkeys from Carla. And I can get that much more in 7 weeks. Their company use to come get it but they told them on this group and next to do what they want with it. So, if someone doesn't muscle in I can get the next one too.
Barrels are cheap at Little Debbie's, like $5 so that less them the sack. 25 times 5 is $125. I have to get it in the sack today because they just go told and feed arrive Sunday. But I can transfer it to the barrels and resell my sack. A friends storeing it in his barn for how and we use his front in loader to move it. I feel like when God send you a gift, you better move fast and say thank you.
Beth, I have three hatched today, Jersey Buff and Pencil Palm. I told Don I need to move them to a hatching basket tray or they ended up on the bottom. There only a part of tray.
Went in there and all three were on the bottom. Unhurt, thank goodness. But I am scared to death of opening the bator because the hatching papers that came with eggs say don't open during the last four days and 3 more are about to hatch.
This breaks my bad luck on hatching turkeys so I don't want to spoil it.
I had to open it yesterday cause humidity drop to 30%: open it, sprayed eggs with warm water and add warm water to tray. Closed it fast
i am just wondering about a coop for the guineas? we just finished the chicken coop, and need to set up a divider for the month old guineas, and was wondering how you all combine a coop for the guineas and chickens until the guineas can free range? or can month old guineas be introduced to 4 month old chicks? or keep them completely separate?

also, little silkie is still recouperating, when he flips over and can't get up he yells for mom..!! and started him on a mix of baby oatmeal and crumbles today- he is trying to preen back to his wings- so i think we are headed for a good recovery! stay cool all!
When making a pen for the guineas, remember that they are smaller and can go through mesh that a baby chick can't get through. I put my keets in a cage with 1/2 x 1 inch wire, otherwise they can get their little heads out and their bodies follow with amazing speed.
Beth and Carla, it got even better the feed turned out to be laying hen feed. They are picking it up right now. Turkeys going to eat good. May have to add some liver flakes but they free range. So this is all great.
Lighting sounds like you are making a good haul!
I was in your area when I was in Okla last week. My daughter :lovelives in Kansas. I used to live in the flint creek area. Congrats on the feed. Hope it raises some good birds for you:ya
Morning all. Been busy busy busy. Lynn got the nifty 9 a coop/tractor built and the 9 moved in yesterday. Boy were they happy for more leg room. Now to get about 5 more built for the oegb's.

Got my NPIP tester certificate in the mail yesterday.

Well back to work before it gets to hot out.

Have a great and SAFE 4th all. We are going to smoke a pork shoulder today.
The turkeys have almost shut down on egg production. I'm lucky to get an egg a day from them. From all 4 of my varieties, I'm lucky to collect a dozen eggs within 4 days. Not enough to send out to anyone so we've been adding them to our incubator once a week. Too bad they aren't laying well like the guineas. I think my guinea hens are laying a couple of eggs a day. They love this hot weather.

Well, I'd better get outside & keep feeding & watering all the critters.

Wow, I just looked at the weather radar, and I see some folks are getting some much needed rain! Awesome! I could sure use some at my house.
Happy 4th of July everyone.

Bill got his NPIP Certificate in the mail yesterday, too.

We have gotten a couple of pretty good showers here this
morning. And, they say we'll get more this evening. We sure
needed it. Because of the forecast, we let the kids shoot off
about half of their fireworks last night and may have to hold
the rest of them until tomorrow night. Am so thankful that
the rain wet all the fields down.

Gonna charcoal shishkabobs later and call it good. We're all
being totally lazy around here.

Have a good one !
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