Okies in the BYC The Original

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???????????Questions, questions, questions?????????
I'll be dragging my family to Chickenstock in 10 days!!!!!Who else is going to be going??????

And since I'm a newbie, I can't remember what birds need
to be tested for when you sell them. What tests do I need to get? &

Does anyone know if there is a place here in NE Oklahoma?
I'm in Bartlesville

THANKS I can't wait!!!!!!!!

Hey guys....I scored a Sportsman cabinet incubator off of Craigslist today!!!

I have a question about it though....if you are running staggered hatches in it, like tray 1=week 1, tray 2=week 2, and the bottom is used as the hatcher, what do you do about the need to raise humidity for the hatching eggs, but not the incubating eggs?
DutchChic, We have staggered hatches all the time. It doesn't hurt the other trays to increase the humidity for 2-3 days, then drop it back down, or at least I haven't ever noticed a problem with it. We love our sportsman incubator, and especially enjoy the clear door so that we can monitor the progress of hatches. We've hatched 100s of chicks this year, and it is still exciting to watch chicks pop out of eggs.
Thanks Carla! I'm very excited about getting this cabinet. It's an 802 model....so an older one made of wood, with 2 incubating trays and the hatching tray. But it will do nicely for me. I'm going to look at putting a window in the door of it, though.
LOL...I am already a hatch-a-holic! My incubators have been going since I got the first one in May. I've had chicks rotating through the house since February or March. And I have a batch of eggs in the bator right now with another batch in the mail on it's way here. The Sportsman will allow me to use ONE unit to incubate and hatch in instead of several little ones. And I've got to hatch lots of eggs to get those Lavender Orps! ***whew*** I'm tired!
I don't even have birds anymore (other than the two chicks hiding out in my garage), but I want to incubate so bad!!! I've been thinking about asking around, see if anybody wants something hatched. Its my favorite part.
Carla's right, you'll be addicted!
DutchChic, congrats on the Sportsman!

lashawnb, I should be there!

I don't think birds have to be tested at all, to be 'sold' there... but I could be wrong. Anyway, you would just have to get whatever test(s) your state requires. For our state, it is just the P/T test, and you have to have a certified NPIP tester do it. You can find a list of testers on their website, but I believe that one will be at ChickenStock (any input, anyone???)

Don, yes I participate in the NPIP program, it is not expensive, and I think it does help when I am selling birds/eggs. Besides the fact that it is cheaper for me to be certified once a year, then pay for testing at every single show or fair I go to!
Grace, I have the inspector coming on sunday morning..The state has a program going right now where they pay for the whole thing execpt the 5.00 fee, that is pretty good..they only check birds that are over 4 months..I have maybe 50 or 60 at last count..

Can't wait 1 week till chickenstock

I just woke up and can't go back to sleep

DON & GRACEFUL: Thanks, I did get a reply from Mawchicken===she said that testing will be available for FREE at chickenstock

My little girl and I are really jazzed, we have a costume
put together for my capon (YES, I really did have a rooster
castrated-Dr. Gillslider in Claremore did it with anaesthesia
last week and the bird did great!!) Anyway, we can't wait
to enter him/it in the costume contest!!!!!!
Does the capon still crow? Does he act like a rooster in all other aspects? I'd like to have one in my hen house, but I don't want any pullets covered or any fertilized eggs out of them.

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