Okies in the BYC The Original

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Huh? What is up with that Buster? You could PM me if it is that bad! Might need you to write a book report for me or make some buster notes (I am willing to bet you are better than that Cliff guy...although he did me through the Bronte girls) You read deeper stuff than me...I stick with the cowboys and indian books...and book about the War of Northern Aggression from time to time
That would make for an interesting read, I'm sure. POW camps during the civil war were no Hogans Heroes, be they north or south. My gr gr granddaddy died of small pox in one in Chicago. When you read about how people treated their fellow Americans in those things, it is really quite disturbing.

I have read the camp commander at Andersonville was actually more an incompetent bungler than a monster (although he was that, too). Is that what you are finding in your book?
Thanks for the goat info. Maybe the next trip you make to central Oklahoma we could trade ya some chickens for your goat advice, expertise, instructions, etc.
Yeah, the subject matter is taboo here so I'm compromising by keeping it low key. No link, no avatar.

I had to google it to understand, but now I do.
Ye never know!

I read a story on one of the sites wer a lady had some eggs hatch out they wer in a boxs above the stove. She didnt no how long the hen had sat on thim an they hatchd in 2 weeks ..I think that eggs out of mutt birds are stronger.....
When did it become taboo for a book?? HOw did I miss that?

P&B, if eggs that were wrapped in a quilt hatched I bet your will too! Now you have to let us all know how it goes.

How is everyone tonight?
Yeah, the subject matter is taboo here so I'm compromising by keeping it low key. No link, no avatar.

I had to google it to understand, but now I do.

When I first googled I was struck by what great casting it was for Elijah Woods to play Foer in Everything is Illuminated.

Is premium, no?

Buster - that is fairly much what i am reading. The problems faced at the prison really reflected what the entire southern army was facing...no supplies...the prisoners just got the left overs...the guards were mostly old men and kids...or those not fit for service. You are correct...the things they did to fellow humans was unimaginable

Carla - I would help you just cuz you are cute! And I wanna ride the big green truck

Sooner - I happier than I deserve to be!
red lace hens...huh?
So what is going on Sat. 20th? I am headed to the city!! Whoop!

I'm pretty sure Fletcher is that evening and they promised "death by chocolate cake" if there are 10 Okies.......I am planning to go & hoping 9 others will show!
To all our current members................ GO TO THIS LINK AND VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE ................


To all Current Members of The Okies in the BYC Thread :

During our September fall POOPS event we held a meeting at the end and it was open to all members where we discussed many things. We talked about way's to improve our next / future events, and there about 20 or so in attendance, One thing that was brought up is whether or not we should change the name of the annual event from POOPS= People Of Oklahoma Poultry Swap to...... COOPS= Citizens Of Oklahoma Poultry Swap.

There was much disscusion and it was decided that it would be best to bring this topic up for a vote from our current members and the subject was tabled until a date had been set for the next 2010 event, that time has come and our next event will be held on Saturday May 1st 2010.

Some comments that were brought up both in favor and against changing the name, here are a few of them that were discussed.

POOPS is a tradition, it is unique to our group, it is easily recognized. one the other hand it convey's well.... POOP !!! chicken Poop, it does not portray our group in a good light or is demeaning, it isn't well suited for such a grand yearly event, plus it doesn't do well for our T-Shirts.

COOPS can be carried on as a name worthy of a title that can stand the test of time, It just plain sounds better and doesn't involve chicken POOP, COOPS sounds more chicken oriented and in well understood without confusion, folks will never hesitate to ask what is COOPS, when they will be very reluctant to ask you about POOP.

So with that said please post your vote and any comments you have, the new name will be used this year and will be included in this years T-Shirts and Official announcement.

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