Okies in the BYC The Original

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I didn't knit that all in one go. I take breaks to read.
Monty, I'm as happy as if I had good sense. Life is good in Lexington. We didn't get nearly as much snow as the rest of you guys have. Are we supposed to get more tonight?

Monty, I'm as happy as if I had good sense. Life is good in Lexington. We didn't get nearly as much snow as the rest of you guys have. Are we supposed to get more tonight?


They said this morning it was supposed to snow off and on through noon tomorrow.
The last I heard was OKC was gonna get 8-10 inches.
Up toward Tulsa I heard around 20.
We have about three or four inches right now.
I think they are all nuts.

p.s. I need to send you a pm about veterans stuff.
Maribeth, I ate a possum when I was about ten. I remember it as being very greasy and that it wasn't as good as any other wild animal I have eaten. I used to sell the furs when I was in high school but I quit because it almost made me sick to skin one of the stinking things. i figured there was a better way to make a dollar.
Everytime Jared sets a trap we catch a possum. He bought one of those tube-like traps that is supposed to only catch coons but he has caught at least three possums with it.
I won't say I'll never eat a possum but there is better road kill out there I am sure.
i have had possum cooked 2 diffrnt ways.fried an grilled.its is greasy as you can get.cooked on the grill gets rid of alot of it an its not bad.tasted about like squirl.ive ate alot of coon.boiled an then baked in a brown paper bag.barbqued an fried.its really good
My brother-in-law used to make bbq beaver, not too bad. He also made a batch of bobcat jerky. I tried it once, only once. He used to have a trapline in and around the Blue Mountain area. He should have lived in the 1800's.
If your hands are hurting, then you're probably knitting too tight
I've only recently "grown up" enough in my knitting that I've been able to rip back and fix a mistake. I used to just rip it all out and do something else instead.
Gees, is this weather "yucky" or what???? About waited
toooo long to go out and cut a big batch of jonquils and
hiancyths to have at least one batch on the desk. Got
them in tepid water and they seem to be perking back
up. Thankfully, got what we needed from the store
yesterday. Looks like about 3" on the ground out
there and still coming down.

Is a cold WET snow, so be prepared for power lines
going down in areas with lots of trees. That's a
major problem around Tahlequah. LOVE this
pellet stove. The fan for the blower will run off
a battery if need be. Got boxes cleaned out for
chicks if the power goes down out in the brooder

Stay in and stay safe everyone. SURELY this will
be the last round of this junk.

Have a good one !
Hey neighbor ! We love Tenkiller and spend every
possible day down at Petit Bay that we possibly
can. Had planned to be down there this weekend......
Oh well. When this weather breaks, we'll talk
chickens.........AND, where are the best fishin'

Have a good one !
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