Old and Rare Breeds

Hi OSUMan. I like your hen. type looks good and tail spread is nice, back slope is nice. In this photo you can tell that her face is extending below the wattles which is what you want. You don't see them that often with this extension of face, UNIFORM chalk white to boot. This is a good example of the breed. Have you weighed her? She appears well filled out. For anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to feel these birds (LF), don't let the slight build fool you. These birds are DENSE! My cockerels seem to put on weight overnight, they are heavy - weight for cocks should be 8 lbs.
You know this post sort reminded me of something when you mentioned the "optical illusion" effect so to say of the deception of size/weight ratio there Gallusfarm. I thought of this too when I was reading a post elsewhere gjensen had stated about some Catalanas he has just gotten into, they are a little under weight now but they will/or should be a size/look deceptive breed too.

My cousin used to have some Black Minorcas although they were hatchery stock I saw a hen running around and she was getting more curious each day I would go out and throw out evening graining she'd come more and more close to visiting well one day she did and i trapped her in the pen and caught her up you know I was really impressed with the weight of the hen even though she was out to pasture/free-ranged I think mostly on her on will as she would not stay penned up, anyway for the size of the hen she was hard-bodied and built like a brick outhouse, & heavy I always thought that there was no way a Minorca or better yet any of the Mediteranean class breeds be as heavy as the Std. weights called for but I got "learned" something that day.

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You know this post sort reminded me of something when you mentioned the "optical illusion" effect so to say of the deception of size/weight ratio there Gallusfarm. I thought of this too when I was reading a post elsewhere gjensen had stated about some Catalanas he has just gotten into, they are a little under weight now but they will/or should be a size/look deceptive breed too.

My cousin used to have some Black Minorcas although they were hatchery stock I saw a hen running around and she was getting more curious each day I would go out and throw out evening graining she'd come more and more close to visiting well one day she did and i trapped her in the pen and caught her up you know I was really impressed with the weight of the hen even though she was out to pasture/free-ranged I think mostly on her on will as she would not stay penned up, anyway for the size of the hen she was hard-bodied and built like a brick outhouse, & heavy I always thought that there was no way a Minorca or better yet any of the Mediteranean class breeds be as heavy as the Std. weights called for but I got "learned" something that day.

The Minorca is the largest Mediterranean breed (cock is 9lbs) and there are some huge Minorca's being shown, with males being well over 9lbs.

The Minorca is the largest Mediterranean breed (cock is 9lbs) and there are some huge Minorca's being shown, with males being well over 9lbs.


You know Walt I was thinking they were to be a big number like that 9 lbs but they just really don't look it till you get them in hand and feel the dense tight muscles, sorta like my dark Cornish male(Ideal version) he looks nowhere as big as he feels/ weighs either but when you grab him up its a feeling that most would be surprised at. I've never been around any of the real Leghorns just production types(hatchery specials) do they have the same effect of being more dense,hard/full bodied than their production counterparts? I guess the optical illusion factor is due to their type of feather (close, tight feathering) and this is more than likely due to their gamefowl influx as doc saladdin referred to as most of the Mediterranean class were derived from?

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Here are some of Tom Roebuck's Buff Minorcas. He has been using the Blacks to improve his Buffs. The text is a quote from him from a different site.


2011 Buff Minorca Cockerel. This will be year six for this effort. Size is good, type is getting better, although they are too short in the leg and thigh.
Three years ago I crossed in Blacks. Doing it again this year.

And from http://gff.cochinsrule.com/photopage.htm




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Here are some of Tom Roebuck's Buff Minorcas. He has been using the Blacks to improve his Buffs. The text is a quote from him from a different site.


2011 Buff Minorca Cockerel. This will be year six for this effort. Size is good, type is getting better, although they are too short in the leg and thigh.
Three years ago I crossed in Blacks. Doing it again this year.

Really Nice !!!
I have some White Empordanesa set to hatch Thursday. ( a few may be white empordanesa x crele penedesenca)
I have 12 more cooking now as well set to hatch Next Friday plus
12 crele penedesenca x creme legbar olive egger crosses. My friend is getting some nice speckled olive eggs off this cross.

I am really hoping to get a Empordanesa rooster at least to replace the one that D#m hawk killed ! I have 2 hens presently.
What are your thoughts with proposing this cross?
Since size comes from the female and I was thinking that OSU has standard WFB Spanish, then one of your bantam cocks over his hen(s) would go a long way in helping his overall type without affecting the size too much. Not that his type is bad at all, but it seems improvement is the name of the game.

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