OMG whats happening to me ??????????????????????????????????


10 Years
Aug 28, 2009
Ok so i was walking to my fav place which is this HUGE lake with hundreds of ducks, geese and swans in it, a common plae for dumped pets. As i was walking round i started thinking ' hmmm he wuld look nice on my pond' and ' i bet i could lure him into a cat basket and take him home'...

AAHH !!!

Im turning into a duck stealer, i think im becoming too obsessed ( if theres such a thing)
i was tempted but i didnt have a box or anything to catch him with, its really annoying as they are all digaurded pets, hald of them get beaten as they are not accepted by the others (for many reasons). OMG i just have to tell you guys this, the other day i was walking past and saw the most beautiful black and white scovie you have ever ever seen, this was about 7 at night when there was no one around, i bent down to say hello and he litrally ran into my arms, i fell in love.

I did'nt have my mobile on me so i couldnt phone home, i ran two miles back home as fast as i could, grabbed the cat box, and got on my bike and went back... HE HAD GONE !!!!! i waited for an hour coaxing them all with food but he never came back
It's a public lake, and a fishing lake as well, the fishermen get annyoed as the ducks loves the attension and the food. the bad this is the RSPCA says they wont do anything or rescue them, they said that they are in their natural habbitat, and if they are not accepted, then thats that, its life. Which to a degree i can understand but .. well its a shame i dont have room other wise i would have them all
... a dream... ahhhh
i did think of that, but then i also thought, what would everyone down the two miles of road i have to walk down think if i was to carry this huge black and white duck home, hehe
We have a pond around here like that too.

You should have carried him home!!! I mean seriously, I walk around the neighborhood with chickens following me. Can't be much weirder than that...
Awwww..., i might go back and steal some of the calls, only because they are small and there is a variety of colours, so i can breed them lol

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