OMG whats happening to me ??????????????????????????????????

There is no such thing as "too obsessed". You just joined our clubof people with duck fever. Ive done the same thing when I see ducks ,so dotn feel too bad.
I was wandering around my neighborhood quacking (literally) for my lost mallards and then carried each of them home 2 blocks last week. I got a few strange looks but mostly just questions and a little bit of envy!

To quote one of my neighbors (as I was carrying Squeakers) "that's just not something you see everyday - but's it's soooo cool!".
I would definitely take the calls, that is mine i have about 20 of them and 8 more on the way and some in the incubator!!
Good job enabling everyone!
Hey Goat_Walker!
How did you become Completely Duck Obsessed?

Thats not too obsessed thats just your normal everyday obsession. My parents never saw it comming three years ago when I rescued my first duckling, Now everyother topic I have is duck related
Jeeze, I can't even imagine how bad I will be after three years of duck obsession. I already go to sleep planning possible pens, future generations of breeding, how to make their pool area better . . .

But what I want to know is how you got the moniker under your name "Completely Duck Obsessed"

Personally I am overun with ducks - not chickens!!
I was going to have it changed to Overrun with ducks but I chose this instead. You have to be a GFM to have it personalized. I was honored with one yesterday actually

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