On the edge need to vent...

:Othe1much shucks i wish i woulda known that before i had my sister pick up a $20 one, im sure its not a rebuilt but a pulled one off of a junker. Thanks for being so understanding magsc i am very fortunate the chicks weren't delivered today.
I had a car you had to "jump start" with a super long screw driver.
Loved that thing though. 1967 Camaro convertible. Yup. THAT was a FUN car. Even when it was breaking down.
Well, its dark out now and my sisters not back with the part yet so i think we are throwing in the towel for the night. Tomorrows another day. I will be spending that with my nephew having fun carving pumpkins and teaching him how to roast seeds
. Thank you all for listening to me and just being here.
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Best of luck. Dodge does have engine and transmissions issues with their cars. There are even some police depts who have quit their doge magnum contracts due to bad reliability.

Go for a Japanese car that is still made in japan if you compost the moldy lemon.
Ideal told me that they charge your account two days before they ship. So if they charged your card on Monday, they shipped today. You'll receive them tomorrow or Friday.
I live just 6 hours from Ideal. Mine shipped on a Wed., arrived on Friday.
They told me that they were gonna send me an email telling me when i should get the chicks but i never recieved anything until i emailed them yesturday. I just hate the waiting game lol. No patience in this grasshoppa. I knew they shipped tuedays and wednesdays so i was kind of hoping they had shipped them on tuesday. I ordered the chicks last thursday early morning. All i can hope for is they arrive someday this week healthy

I also have a 2000 Intrepid and luckily we havent had too many issues - we are just now encountering some problems for the first time (think an oil pump is going). But - we have had to replace the battery, alt and timing belts before (normal maint type of things). They are NOTORIOUS for having issues though - we just seemed to luck out - it also depends on what type of Intrepid you have - do you have a standard one or an ES? All depends on the model as to the issues involved - if you do a search for Intrepid issues, there is an entire FORUM out there with nothing but. The biggest issue they have is blowing sludge into the engine and tranny - and therefore, blowing the entire thing up. Dodge knows this and has had so many lawsuits against them for it - which is why they stopped making the car. We are just now having oil burning issues...
:fl:fl the thing doesnt go up in flames as we cannot afford another car either.... ugh - disgusting. One thing I will tell you is to make sure you change your oil every 3,000 miles CONSISTENTLY and look for oil around the oil cap and anywhere in the engine compartment - if you see any - start looking for a leak, if you see any clumpy oil, or alot of smoke coming from the back end - your time is numbered on that car. They usually go around the 150K mile marker from all I've read on the forums (we're at 138K - and praying....) but again, it seems to depend on what model Intrepid you purchased.

As for the problems you're having - I'd say its 3 fold. If battery is okay, then check the selinoid and the altenator - if you hear a clicking sound, but the lights and everything works, but the engine doesnt turn over - bets are its the altenator not charging properly. Battery is charged you said right? but... is it charged fully or just partially? It can still maintain a charge, but not enough to actually turn the car over, (hence why the lights come on) All 3 components must work together.

Sorry you're having so much trouble, I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya.
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