one Hen dead, need help identifying


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
N. Ontario CANADA
Its been a while since I've been on, haven't had any issues at all until this morning.

now I did not take pics because my kids were running up behind me and did not want them to see the chicken laying there.

the neck was broken, head and crop were intact, but chicken had flesh missing from both sides of the breast, not a whole lot though. there were lots of feathers scattered around. and the chicken was left behind, what ever took her dragged her a few feet away and then just laid down to eat. Since the bird was not taken away, I am thinking cat? or dog? A fox would carry their prey away, and it surely wasn't an owl.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Actually, scattered feathers, eaten at or close to point of kill, breast meat stripped does sound like a bird of prey - hawk or GHO.

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