One of my hens keeps pecking me - please help

I have the same problem. 3 warrens and a black pearl.

The weird thing is that it's the one at the BOTTOM of the pecking order that's trying to peck my legs. She's the only one I've ever seen being pecked and she's always following the others around rather than leading.

I have no problems with any of them in terms of them knowing who's boss - all four of them (including the problem hen) crouch like I'm the rooster when I go to pick them up.

I wonder if it's attention like you say... in fact yesterday she got so close standing behind me when I was flattening a levelling a patch of soil that when I stepped back I actually stood on her. Can't believe she wasn't hurt actually, I'm 110kg and she got most of my weight on her wing! But today, she tried to peck me again.

I'm not that bothered at the moment but am not looking forward to warmer weather when I want to wear shorts!
This is a very informative thread! I have 18 little 1 1/2 week old babies who went for an outside adventure today so while I was letting them free range I sat down and they all ran up to me and the pecking commenced! Most were just interested in inspecting my clothing but occasionally they would notice one of my many small freckle/moles that I have on my legs and arms and OUCH they would bite!! I can't have them continue this when they're older, they're so little and it still hurt I don't want to think about them trying to bite off my freckles when they're older. :(
Sounds like she thinks you are one of the girls and she is trying to get above you in the pecking order lol. If she is at the bottom maybe she figures your her last chance to move up a spot lol

You need to put her back below you. I would probably try two things.

Either give her a quick tap on her head like another chook would if pecking someone below them when she pecks you. Mother hens also do it to teach chicks when they step out of line. She won't view it as mean. She will view it as being put in her place or that what she is doing is wrong. It's an acceptable part of chicken behaviour. Be aware some fancy breeds have delicate head areas though.

Of if she is really bad pick her up and carry her under your arm faceing backwards (you can hold her legs from that position and you arm keeps wings in place). This is very different from being cuddled. It's showing your authority over her. Keep her like that for a good 5 minutes and then only put her down if she does so calmly showing she accepts you are boss. Can work with roosters so can't see why it wouldn't with a bossy hen.

Good luck!
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my chicken made me bleed 6 times please help me and she pecked my lip.

Please don't let your chickens too close to your face. You could easliy lose and eye even from a friendly pet chicken. Sometimes they will peck at things that look interesting to them, not even meaning to hurt you. Their beak can do a lot of damage.
Please don't let your chickens too close to your face. You could easliy lose and eye even from a friendly pet chicken. Sometimes they will peck at things that look interesting to them, not even meaning to hurt you. Their beak can do a lot of damage.

Chickens are programmed to peck at the things that look a little different then the rest of the background. Anyone with a mole on their leg or arm that does work in the coop or lets the chickens out when you garden can attest to this.
I swear if chickens had sharper beaks no one would ever have to go to a dermatologist to get anything removed.
Your lips might look like two big wiggly grubs to them.

Also Never look at a chicken directly if you are at eye level and close to them!
This isn't some animal retraction or whatever, its just that your eyes are the most interesting looking part of your face and will likely be pecked. Look at them from the side and keep your distance when your face is at eye level even if just working in the coop

Have fun with your chickens but don't forget pecking is how they learn about their world and be ready for it no matter how cuddly a chicken is it will peck from time to time just to learn.
If she's hungry... your skin will know
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i didn't put the chicken near my face though . i was cleaning the top part of their coop and the chicken literally flew on my face and pecked my lip. the same thing happened to my sister too. except she didn't get pecked.
Wow! That's an aggressive girl who is trying to show you she is boss.
I'd be stuffing her under my arm or carrying her upside down for a while to give her the message that she isnt in charge of people too.

If you dont mind a little pecking another way to give her the message that she isnt boss is to let the chickens tell her.
When you remove a chicken who is at the top for about 2 or 3 weeks the pecking order resets and when she comes back in the others will tell her that clearly.
You'll see a decent amount of pecking and shifting sent her way, but she wont be half as aggressive either.
thank you, what a great idea !! maybe i will try holding her upside down for a while . but here is the only thing when i hold her upside down she pecks my wrist . i will most likely i will separate her from the flock . THANK YOU!!! I PERSONALLY THINK CHICKENS EATING CHICKEN IS WRONG !!!!!
Be careful holding upside down. Some breeds can have trouble breathing

To show your dominance and not get pecked you would normally hold backwards. This is what is used with roosters.
Tuck her under your elbow with head out the back and feet to the front. Your arm keeps then wings pinned so they can't flap. You can hold their feet comfortably to stop kicking and best of all them can't peck you. Its a submissive posture for them which is what you are after without stressing the bird by hanging it upside down.

With a misbehaving rooster you would carry it round like that for 10 minutes and then only set it down when it lets you do so without making a fuss. I'd do the same with your hen.
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