One of my hens keeps pecking me - please help


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 10, 2012
Hiya, I have 4 hens (the only 4 I've ever had so new to all of this) - the 3 warrens are about 25 weeks old and one of them started laying me an egg a day last week - yummy!

I have one problem - Mary (a warren)!! She has always been a very nosey and a bit "pecky" but over the last few days she seems to just be being malicious! She bites me, my leg, my feet, my fingers, my arms, anything she can get hold of and she's starting to leave marks! She always has to be near me if I am in the garden which I wouldn’t mind but I don't get anything done because she is just trying to peck me constantly.

Does she hate me? I've never done anything to hurt her!
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errrrmmmm, pass. Can Warrens be male? Sorry if that's a daft question but I'm very new to this. Here's a pic - she is the one on the right

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With animals, and birds there is an order.
for chickens its the pecking order, and size has little to do with it. If the bird (or any animal) thinks its on top then you have to correct its mistake. A good couple thumps to say "I'm in charge" is part of nature. If you doubt it then check out the pecking order fights in the flock.

Good luck and dont be afraid to remind your birds that you are mama, and that means boss.
when you say "thump" can you be a bit more specific - to me that means punch hard which I'm sure you don't mean.
Well, with some dogs a simple tap on the nose and good stare will work, others.....
Same with chickens. Sometimes the pecking order fights are quick and just a couple bumps, other times the chicken wont back down and feathers fly.
It really depends on wether or not the animal believes you when you say "I'm in charge."
In other words the more you believe it, the more they believe it and the less thumping there is.

Not trying to be mean, just honest.

EDIT: So to be exact, some thumps are very gentle and only meant to get the attention of offending animal, other thumps are more than that. I prefer the least thump required.
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OK, I appreciate any help because to be honest if she carries on she'll be going and I don't want to do that. I'll try and "peck" her back when she try's it on later - would you say on top of the head is best?
Sounds good. A tap for tap kinda thing, just enough to get her attention. Watching my guys and gals they seem to operate on that. Accidental pecks happen, if it happens twice a peck back is in turn.
If that doesnt solve it then try pushing her back and then give her a chest bump when she gets in close, even before you get pecked. Let her know that you'll give her the grubs by saving one or two and giveing her one if she gets the message and backs off a little.

If that still doesnt work, then pick her up and hold her flat in front of the flock. Add a couple thumps to the backside or a feather tug (not enough to pull it out, just enough to snap her attention to you). Hear it works for roosters, should work for hens. Havent had to go past step two yet.

Im no chicken whisperer, just a guy who has spent a lot of time with animals and this is what has worked for me.
Good luck~

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