Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Well Sam, I'm sitting here at the table, sipping my coffe and listening to you snore. I know this is your place n'all, but you REALLY need to hang a pic of yourself up so when I am all by myself I have something to look at

Had a good nite at work.. not totally crazy and I got to be unit secretary so that was good. I complimented the chef in the cafeteria on her cooking and she gave me ALL the left over... now we can eat for a few days off of them.. totally love it.... talk about frugal cooking.. FREE is the BEST!!

I am excited beyond words...., I am getting tickets tomorrow to the SF ballet.. The Little Mermaid is playing until the end of March... I am a bit bummed that I missed swan lake... okay... I almost cried I was so dissappointed
but the kids will really enjoy this. I am thinking about indulging and getting Romeo and Juliet tickets just for me though!!!

Going out to lunch with a bunch of Girlfreinds for one of their birthdays tomorrow so that is going to be fun.. we have this great little diner.. Edelwies.. that has the best food for not much money and we have a blast.

And my squire comes home tomorrow night so that makes me giddy!!!!!! I miss that pumpkin something powerful when he is gone.. Cant wait to see him!!!!!!!
What a chatty bunch! I hope this is not going to be a thread where I can only read what you all have written while I am asleep and not actually get to join in though.
Up again at 4:30 a.m. Coffee time.

Queen of clueless, Where you at in MN? I'm 25 miles south of Detroit Lakes, on beautiful Star Lake.

Looks like rain and snow today. Blah!! My house rooster is crowing already.
Another month and he'll be out the door, along with his 2 hens. Doubt i'll ever have chickens in the house again for the winter.
Well, maybe some chicks in early spring.
Gotta haul in wood today. Catch you all on the flip flop.
Beyond calling chickens names like lunch, dinner, fried, I don't name my chickens. I enoy them immensely, take good care of them, but I don't need to strike up a social relationship with them. So that being said I do have one bird with a nom de plume. Blue, the former house chicken. An unexpected cold snap had caused the demise of her hatchmates and since she was a lone chick and winter was on its way, she was brought into the house. Never again would I keep a bird in the house. Even cleaning her cage every day didn't reduce the amount of dust she created.

Been busy this morning building a new run as I going to get some more chickens later today. It's not pretty, but it was all my own work and it will do!
I need to do something about getting Scotland moved closer to me. It's tough having a darlin' daughter that I can't help as I'd like.
It sure looks like we are attracting some wonderful people.

Poultryhaven, I'm sure you'll do just fine on your test today.
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