Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Well, I just heard on the weather that it is going to be in the 50's for two days next week. WHAT?!! It is in the teens here right now, everything is frozen solid, I will be happy for the warmer weather, but we have a dirt driveway and that will become a disgusting mud driveway. I just wish it would be gradual, but it is supposed to be 20's on Tuesday and 50's on Thursday, so I don't think it will be. I am just hoping that we wont have a cold snap again and then the driveway will become a skating rink.

I can't wait for the warmer tempatures of spring...it will be here before you know it. Then I will probably be complaining about all the work I have to do.
Happy Valentine's Day! May your day be filled with more love than usual and more chocolate than usual!
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!

Good to hear from you P.K., hope school is going well for you.

We are having some thawing here in Northern Illinois!!
Yup, school is going fine. Except in history and, to an extent, biology. Blargle, why did the French Revolution mess everything up and be so confusing?!!? I mean, biology is just kind of boring, but History...

That's awesome! We're also getting warm. Today was 50+ degrees~
Yup, school is going fine. Except in history and, to an extent, biology. Blargle, why did the French Revolution mess everything up and be so confusing?!!? I mean, biology is just kind of boring, but History...

That's awesome! We're also getting warm. Today was 50+ degrees~

I'm glad to hear school is going well, sorry to hear you're not enjoying History......or Biology. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll figure out the French Revolution!!

It was 45 here today!!
Good morning all and a belated Happy Valentines Day. I meant to post yesterday with a great big box of chocolates but sadly I ate them. Since I've been trying to quit smoking I seems that all I want to do is eat.

Sprite, it's wonderful to read your posts. Don't get discouraged about history, once you get into it it really can become quite fascinating. I don't know, perhaps because I've lived so much of it but I really find history fascinating. When I was your age one technique I used to enjoy it was to do the assigned work and then take one small event that was mentioned and research it further. Find out more about one small fact or event that was barely mentioned. For instance, when studing about the civil war what was the effect of indians towards the war. You mentioned the French Revolution, pick one individual that is mentioned and then see what you can learn about them.

Sunday and yesterday it got quite warm, almost 40 and it was quite windy. The combination of the two sure reduced our snow depths alot. This morning its cold 14, but it is supposed to start getting warm again the by the weekend the forecasters are calling for temperatures in the high 40s. While I am waiting anxiously for the arrival of spring, the loss of the snow cover exposes the bare ground. That can be less than attractive until it starts to green up again.

This morning I've got to go to the doctor to have the stitches removed from my thumb. I had a large cyst on my thumb that was caused by arthritis. They were going to take the stitches out last week but the night before my appointment I hit it with a large heavy book and broke it open. As a result I had to wait another week to let it reheal. Know I will have a much more pronounced scar than I would have had I not broke it open but it will fit right in with all of the others I have.
Good evening, all! I managed to get past the French Revolution, although I had to listen to some flat out lies. The Irish Potato Famine was not caused by laissez-faire capitalism!

to all~
Hello Everyone!
Princess...glad you are past the French Revoloution...hang in there!!

We have had some wonderful weather, almost 70 again today, hard to believe. Took mom and went for our weekly milk run and got her out of the house for a bit. My pullets who have been laying like champs all winter are suddenly slowing down; I guess they have been sun bathing too much recently. Hoping to get started on fencing around our orchard and a new chicken house to move most of them too by spring! Nothing else new here, perhaps a little rain, but still nice temps. for February.

Hope you all have had a Blessed day! CCMH

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