Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

We would love to have you Kandra!

Very nice canoe Opa! DH built his own one a couple of years back and took DS (who was 8 at the time) paddling up the Caledonian Canal from Ft William to Inverness. It took them 3 and a half days, the longest 3 and a half days of my life! But they made it in one piece and got some amazing photographs on the way.
Thanks Highlander, visiting Scotland and meeting you would be great!

Tonight we are going to go trick or treating as it was cancelled due to the storm. It stinks that it is going to be cold tonight, especially since it is supposed to be in the 60's next week. Oh well, my kids don't care, I have to fight with them to even put a sweatshirt on. My oldest one wants to wear shorts to school, but I stopped that by telling him once it snows short season is all over.

I wish my camera was working because I would post some of the damage from the storm. Due to the trees still having most of their leaves we sustained a lot of damage to our trees.
Thought I would pop in and say "Hi".

I just got back from the feed store where I had to buy chick starter! I have a Red Jungle Fowl hen that went rogue on me and came back with 8 babies!
Opa, got back into clean up mode again. We had moved some things around for easier access,and I decided to put things back together. Well, the cats went crazy, running everywhere. Of course the dogs went crazy thinking the cats wanted to play. I know you know the dogs, and Da Bing decided to try ride on the moving furniture and Tiger said bring the game on! Unfortunately I have more to do, so the animals (kids) have more fun coming!
One of my sons has a Keurig and loves it. But, my other son work at Starbucks, and gives me free coffee beans, so I'll keep brewing my own.

Usually I just come here to lurk, but I couldn't resist asking Kandra how you viola a cup of coffee?
After playing the viola for two hours today, I still can't figure out how to apply it to a cup of coffee.
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Ha ha Steffanie...I should have said presto. If I had said presto, somebody probably would have thought I meant one of those Presto cookie presses

I was wondering why you don't post much anymore...now I know you have become a lurker.
You should not lurk, you are too entertaining to lurk. Now don't you
have a beautiful garage or house to build?

If I had a source for free Starbucks coffee beans, I would brew my own too....you are so lucky!

Now I am off to the last soccer game of the season
after today no more freezing on the sidelines!
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Pretty chilly here this morning and a heavy frost is covering everything, so I guess Mother Nature is pretty serious about winter starting. I still have a lot to do outside but at least today is going to be sunny so I should be able to get a few more things done.

Fishing was still slow yesterday, two hits all day. One about 3 or 4 pounds and one about 10. Still it was a great day, the being with a old friend, seeing the wildlife along the river, and getting away from the pressures of daily life made it so.
Now that I'm old
and the kids are all grown-up, I miss alot of the things related to them being around.........but sitting at football, baseball and softball games in miserable weather isn't one of them!!! Cherish the miserable and the good, they will be grown before you know it.

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