Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

If it were just the blinds having to be rebuilt it would be a surmountable problem. The largest issue is the destruction of the woods. Trees lie in such a helter skelter array that getting into the spots the blinds are located is arduous, trying to get in to them in the dark, next to impossible. Then when it comes to the actual shooting of a deer, if the animal doesn't drop immediately and runs off any distance finding it may be impossible. Should I shoot a deer back in there I doubt that I could bring it out without quartering it. Then once cut up it would require climbing over, under, and around tree after fallen tree for at least a half mile trek to my vehicle. I've packed an entire caribou 5 miles through the wilds of Northern Quebec and that was a piece of cake compared to what I now face.
That's terrible Sam, I'm so sorry.
Don't you wish this is the way the day was starting out instead of dark cold and gloomy? However, the coffee is hot and strong and so is my pulse so today is going to be a good day.
and if it would brighten your day I could fix you the same breakfast that I just had, a slice of sour cream cake slathered with red raspberry jam.
Opa, I'm sorry to hear about this. Yeh, I know I'm a day late and a dollar short, but that's me. Losing an area with so many memorys of time with family, friends, and lots of venison for the freezer is rough. I would say something about another area, but I know it probably isn't possible and certainly not doable to build blinds. As far as the mouse holes, DUCK TAPE!!
Opa, it sounds like it's time to take a chain saw out there and start bucking trees. Maybe a little firewood business? I know you'll find the bright side in this. There are still memories to be made in those woods.

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